------------------- LAB PROJECT TITLE 1 ------------------- Based on my1load86 project, write an x86 boot code (to replace loader.asm) that is capable of loading a second stage boot code LDPLAYOS.SYS from a file system other than FAT. Linux EXT file system is recommended but others can be proposed as well. ------------------- LAB PROJECT TITLE 2 ------------------- Based on my1playos project, implement any OS tasks (e.g. process management, memory management,filesystem) that have been covered in this course. ----------------------- ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ----------------------- This is a group assignment - but, marks will be evaluated individually. Evaluation will be based on a demonstration and a simple report (not MORE than 10 pages) explaining your work. PROJECT DUE: W14/14 12-16/12/2016 (Anytime of the week)