----------- Lab Project ----------- Note: This is a group project! Develop an application that utilizes any of the available modules at the laboratory (e.g. GPS/GSM module, Bluetooth module, Temperature/Humidity Sensor, RF transceiver) AND one other module that you have to purchase on your own. The developed application must be presented as a commercial product. Overall evaluation will be based on two main components: technical evaluation and product evaluation. Technical Evaluation will be based on the number of module interfacing and its complexity. So, applications with more complex interfacing (e.g. protocols, external interface circuit) will be considered for extra marks. Product evaluation will be based on product brochure and a practical demonstration of the application. Having aesthetic features in your application/product will assist towards getting better grades. Requirement: - submission of a product brochure - demonstration of a working application (product) - individual AND group Q/A for technical competency DUE: WK14/14 (Respective Lab Sessions)