Sub FillIfNone DIM ccell AS OBJECT DIM cell AS OBJECT DIM cells AS OBJECT DIM sheet AS OBJECT DIM row, col AS INTEGER DIM msgtext AS STRING cells = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.RangeAddress sheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet For col = cells.StartColumn To cells.EndColumn For row = cells.StartRow To cells.EndRow cell = sheet.getCellByPosition(col,row) If cell.String = "" Then ccell = sheet.getCellByPosition(col-1,row) If cCell.Value < 0.00 Then cell.Value = ccell.Value Else cell.Value = -1.00 End If End If Next Next msgtext = ">> Checked for (" + cells.StartRow + "," + cells.StartColumn + ")" msgtext = msgtext + " - (" + cells.EndRow + "," + cells.EndColumn + ")" Msgbox msgtext End Sub