#!/system/busybox/ash THISPATH=${THISPATH:="$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd)"} export BUSYPATH=${BUSYPATH:="/system/busybox"} export SYSIMAGE=${SYSIMAGE:="$THISPATH/linux.img"} export SYSMOUNT=${SYSMOUNT:="$THISPATH/linux"} export SYSSHELL=${SYSSHELL:="/bin/ash"} export PATH=$BUSYPATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin export TERM=linux export HOME=/root DO_VERBOSE=${DO_VERBOSE:="yes"} DO_MOUNTSYS_RW="no" DO_MOUNT_LINUX="yes" DO_NET_SETUP="yes" DO_CHROOT_LINUX="yes" DO_NET_CLEANUP="yes" DO_UMOUNT_LINUX="yes" DO_MOUNTSYS_RO="no" DO_REMOVE_SYSMOUNT="no" # task in functions must_be_root() { [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] && echo "Must be root! Aborting!" && exit 1 } mountsys_rw() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Setup /system RW access..." mount -o remount,rw /system } mountsys_ro() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Reset /system RO access..." mount -o remount,ro /system } mount_linux() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Mounting Linux Image..." [ ! -d $SYSMOUNT ] && DO_REMOVE_SYSMOUNT="yes" && mkdir $SYSMOUNT mount -t ext2 -o loop,noatime,nodiratime $SYSIMAGE $SYSMOUNT #mount --bind /mnt/sdcard $SYSMOUNT/mnt/sdcard #mount --bind /mnt/sdcard2 $SYSMOUNT/mnt/sdcard2 } umount_linux() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Un-mounting Linux Image..." #umount $SYSMOUNT/mnt/sdcard #umount $SYSMOUNT/mnt/sdcard2 umount $SYSMOUNT [ "$DO_REMOVE_SYSMOUNT" == "yes" ] && rmdir $SYSMOUNT } net_setup() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Setting Up Networking..." sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 >/dev/null # basic settings - using google public dns ipv4 address echo "nameserver" > $SYSMOUNT/etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> $SYSMOUNT/etc/resolv.conf echo " localhost" > $SYSMOUNT/etc/hosts } net_cleanup() { [ "$DO_VERBOSE" == "yes" ] && echo "Cleaning Up Networking..." sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0 >/dev/null } chroot_linux() { mount --bind /proc $SYSMOUNT/proc mount --bind /sys $SYSMOUNT/sys echo "Entering Linux CHROOT..." echo echo "If this is your first time using this image," echo "run 'mdev -s' to create /dev nodes!" echo chroot $SYSMOUNT $SYSSHELL echo echo "...exiting Linux CHROOT!" umount $SYSMOUNT/proc umount $SYSMOUNT/sys } # check parameter while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in --skip-cleanup) DO_NET_CLEANUP="no" DO_UMOUNT_LINUX="no" DO_MOUNTSYS_RO="no" ;; --startup-only) DO_CHROOT_LINUX="no" DO_NET_CLEANUP="no" DO_UMOUNT_LINUX="no" DO_MOUNTSYS_RO="no" ;; --cleanup-only) DO_MOUNTSYS_RW="no" DO_MOUNT_LINUX="no" DO_NET_SETUP="no" DO_CHROOT_LINUX="no" ;; --quiet) DO_VERBOSE="no" ;; *) echo "Unknown parameter '$1'!" ; exit 1 ;; esac shift done # do your thing! must_be_root [ "$DO_MOUNTSYS_RW" == "yes" ] && mountsys_rw [ "$DO_MOUNT_LINUX" == "yes" ] && mount_linux [ "$DO_NET_SETUP" == "yes" ] && net_setup [ "$DO_CHROOT_LINUX" == "yes" ] && chroot_linux [ "$DO_NET_CLEANUP" == "yes" ] && net_cleanup [ "$DO_UMOUNT_LINUX" == "yes" ] && umount_linux [ "$DO_MOUNTSYS_RO" == "yes" ] && mountsys_ro exit 0