Ctrl+A­lt+Down: Show the window selection screen Ctrl+A­lt+Up: Show the workspace selection screen Ctrl+A­lt+End: Shut down dialog Super+D: Show the desktop Alt+F2: Run dialog Alt+F8: Resize window Alt+F7: Move window Super+Left: Push tile left Super+­Right: Push tile right Super+Up: Push tile up Super+Down: Push tile down Ctrl+S­upe­r+Left: Push snap left + Ctrl+S­upe­r+Right: Push snap right Ctrl+S­upe­r+Down: Push snap down Shift+­Ctr­l+A­lt+Left: Move window to left workspace Shift+­Ctr­l+A­lt+­Right: Move window to right workspace Super+­Shi­ft+Left: Move window to left monitor Super+­Shi­ft+­Right: Move window to right monitor Super+­Shi­ft+Up: Move window to up monitor Super+­Shi­ft+Down: Move window to down monitor Alt+F5: Un-max­imize window Alt+F4: Minimize window Alt+Space: Activate window menu Alt+F10: Toggle maximi­zation state