====== Lab Work 3 (Part 2) ====== ====== One-Shots and Oscillators ====== We will be using the versatile 555 timer as both a monostable multivibrator (one-shot) and an astable multivibrator (oscillator). The internals of a 555 IC is shown below. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// The main internal components of a 555 timer are 2 voltage comparators that are configured by a voltage divider circuit that provides a trigger value of {1/3}V_cc and a threshold value of {2/3}V_cc. These values can be externally adjusted using the control voltage pin (5). ====== 555 One-shot Operation ====== We just need a resistor and a capacitor for this (an extra decoupling capacitor is optional). {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_monostable.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// Initially, the circuit will settle down to its stable state. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_monostable_0.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// When triggered, it will set the internal R-S latch, which consequently enables the circuit to charge the capacitor. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_monostable_1.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// Once the capacitor is fully charged (actually, once the voltage is over threshold) and the trigger signal is deasserted, comparator A should cause the latch to reset and consequently cause the discharging of the capacitor. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_monostable_2.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// Notice that the pulse width generated at the output pin should be around {t_w}=1.1{R_1}{C_1} ====== 555 Oscillator Operation ====== This time we need an extra resistor. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_astable.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// This is how the the oscillator works - the capacitor is charged through the two resistors (R_1 and R_2) when the internal transistor Q_1 is off, and discharged through R_2 when transistor Q_1 is on. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_astable_0.jpg?direct&400|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// The frequency of the generated signal at the output pin should be {f}={1.44/({R_1}+{2R_2}){C_1}}. The time that the output is at V_CC should be {t_H}={0.7({R_1}+{R_2}){C_1}}, while the time for the output to be at GND should be {t_L}={0.7{R_2}{C_1}}. Thus, the duty cycle is given by ({R_1+R_2}/{R1+2R_2})100%. To get a duty cycle of less than 50%, we need a diode in order to bypass R_2 when charging the capacitor. {{:archive:pgt104:timer555_astable_1.jpg?direct&350|}} //**Disclaimer**: The image above is extracted from resources available for Digital Fundamentals 11th Edition (Global Edition)// Thus, the duty cycle is now given by ({R_1}/{R1+R_2})100%. ====== Things To Do ====== **THING1** Build a one-shot circuit that produces 1ms pulse. Determine a suitable R & C values. Verify. **THING2** Build an oscillator circuit that produces 1kHz (50% duty cycle) square-wave signal. Verify. **THING3** (Optional) Build an oscillator circuit that produces 50Hz signal, and {t_H}=1ms. Verify.