====== Window$ Stuff ====== Things I thought I would never have to look at again but is somehow, quite consistently, forced to tinker with from time to time m( **Disclaimer**: The stuffs I have here are only for my personal note (I got most of them from online resources - kudos to the original resource). If you want to try the same thing based on this, I cannot be held responsible if something goes wrong 8-). ===== Get 'Open Command Prompt Here' Option in Windows Explorer ===== * Windows 7: Hold 'Shift' key while right-clicking on a folder in Windows explorer ===== Turn On or Off Guest Account in Command Prompt ===== In Administrator's command prompt only... * To Turn On the Guest Account net user Guest /active:yes * To Turn Off the Guest Account net user Guest /active:no ===== Create Linux Boot Entry on Windows using BCDEdit ===== * install Linux boot loader to partition boot block * save image (e.g. if partition is /dev/sda3):dd if=/dev/sda3 of=linux.bin bs=512 count=1 * copy this file to Windows partition (root of C: drive is best option) * boot into Windows (I tried this on 7) * we will be modifying the boot configuration data * to backup:bcdedit /export backup.bcd * to restore (later?):bcdedit /import backup.bcd * create an entrybcdedit /create /d "Linux" /application bootsector * note the returned identifier (ID) * point to partition where the image file is copied (e.g. if drive C)bcdedit /set [ID] device partition=c: * point to file with full path (e.g. if \linux.bin)bcdedit /set [ID] path \linux.bin * position entry at the end?bcdedit /displayorder [ID] /addlast * set 30s timeout, in case not set previouslybcdedit /timeout 30 * to delete this entry (later?)bcdedit /delete [ID] ===== More BCDEdit stuffs ===== On Windows 8.1 (and above?), the Windows Recovery Environment is disabled by default on UEFI systems (helps to boot faster). To get access, enable using BCDEdit: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy To revert to original settings: bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard Do note that we need to run command prompt as Administrator when doing this. ===== Remove Services ===== * Check list of services, type Win+R and run 'services.msc' * Open a command prompt as administrator * To remove, type (insert double quotes if the name has any whitespace character) sc delete ServiceName * Refresh the list (F5) and it should be gone ===== System Event Error ===== I got this error: Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service... * open a command prompt as administrator * type netsh winsock reset * //note: can also run this to try and fix failing to get ip address// * restart ===== Using diskpart ===== Disk partitioning utility on Windows is //diskpart// (other than using GUI-based disk manager). It create MBR partition table. e.g. To create single FAT32 partition in SD card, open command prompt as administrator and run //diskpart//. - list all disk > list disk * identify sd card id //// - select sd card > select disk - list all available partitions > list part - select partition id //{n}// > select part {n} - remove selected partition > delete part - repeat last two steps for each partition found - create single partition > create part primary offset=1024 * **note** offset value is in kilobytes - exit and format as FAT32