====== Android Stuff ====== Some personal notes on using Android. ===== Termux Setup ===== Get Linux environment on Android. //**note** use the installer from fdroid, play store version does not work// * initial setup $ pkg update $ pkg install git vim clang make $ pkg install rsync * **note** will also get ssh * shared storage $ termux-setup-storage * **note** make sure point to sd card (easier to share) * create work path $ mkdir $HOME/work * clone my1shell, my1codelib, my1codeapp to work path //work in progress...// Alternative: using proot-distro * initial setup $ pkg update $ pkg install proot $ pkg install proot-distro * pick/install/config a distro $ proot-distro install debian $ proot-distro login debian * login as user (created in previous step) $ proot-distro login debian --user username * shared storage $ termux-setup-storage * access SD card (@''/storage/path/to/sdcard'') from proot * refer to $HOME/storage links DebianARM Install * $ apt install build-essential linux-headers-arm64 * $ apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev * $ apt install apt-utils dialog git vim screen rsync * $ apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-science xfig //also work in progress...// ===== Dumping ground ===== Dumping this here for now... to disable an app (if not available on settings) * use adb (phone need to enable developer mode - usb debugging) ./adb devices => make sure NOT unauthorized (allow on phone side) => if that persists: disconnect, revoke usb debugging authorizations on android, reconnect ./adb shell pm uninstall [-k] [--user 0] -k : keep data and cache directories after removal to recover: cmd package install-existing google duo: com.google.android.apps.tachyon google photos: com.google.android.apps.photos google play movies: com.google.android.videos google music: com.google.android.music google browser plugin: com.android.browser youtube: com.google.android.youtube calendar: com.bbk.calendar calendar pendants: com.vivo.widget.calendar facebook services: com.facebook.services facebook app installer: com.facebook.system facebook app manager: com.facebook.appmanager vivo browser: com.vivo.browser vivo appstore: com.vivo.appstore vivo easyshare: com.vivo.easyshare vivo.com: com.vivo.website vivo email: com.vivo.email vivo account: com.bbk.account vivo cloud: com.bbk.cloud imanager: com.iqoo.secure imusic: com.android.bbkmusic imusic: com.vivo.dream.music itheme: com.bbk.theme weather: com.vivo.weather weather-lite: com.vivo.dream.weather weather storage: com.vivo.weather.provider vivo ewarranty: com.vivo.ewarranty touchpal packs: arabic: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.arabic assamese: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.assamese bengali: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.bengali bodo: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.indianbodo bopomofo: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.cht burmese: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.burmese cangjie: com.cootek.smartinputv5.language.oem.cangjie pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.vivo.appstore pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.vivo.website pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.vivo.browser pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.vivo.email pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.bbk.cloud pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.bbk.music pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.apps.tachyon pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.apps.photos pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.videos pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.music pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.google.android.browser usage access issue - install app ops - permission manager (xingchen & rikka) - will need to install shizuku (xingchen & rikka) - without root shizuku requires adb bootstart (once running, stays on!) - enable usb debugging (developer mode) - (on pc) as root, start adb server (adb start-server) - adb shell... then type the command shown by shizuku app