====== Blizzard - Diablo 1 ====== ^ Must take ^^^ | Abandoned Shrine | Adds 2 to dexterity | The hands of men may be guided by fate | | Creepy Shrine | Adds 2 to strength | Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith | | Eerie Shrine | Adds 2 to magic | Knowledge and wisdom come at the cost of self | | Quiet Shrine | Adds 2 to vitality | The essence of life flows from within | ^ Can be considered ^^^ | Cryptic Shrine | Fully restores mana and casts Nova from the player | Arcane power brings destruction | | Divine Shrine | Restores health and mana. Cathedral 1-3: Drops one Potion of Full Health and 1 Potion of Full Mana. All other levels: Drops 2 Potion of Full Rejuvenation. | Drink and be refreshed | | Eldritch Shrine | Potions become rejuvenation potions. Full healing potions become full rejuvenation potions. | Crimson and azure become as the sun | | Glimmering Shrine | All items in the player's inventory are identified | Mysteries revealed in the light of reason | | Magical Shrine | Casts Mana Shield on the player | While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives | | Religious Shrine | Restores all weapon's durability to their maximum | Time cannot diminish the power of steel | | Shimmering Shrine | Refills mana | Spiritual energy has been restored | | Spiritual Shrine | Fills your remaining inventory with random amounts of gold | Riches abound when least expected | | Stone Shrine | Recharges all Staves in the player's inventory | The power of mana refocused renews | ^ Multi-player only. ^^^ | Spooky Shrine | User is unaffected, but for other players, they receive a restoration effect on their hp and mana pool equal to a level up or a Full Rejuvenation Potion. | You: Where avarice falls, patience gains it's own reward. Others: Blessed by a benevolent companion | ^ Single-player only. ^^^ | Thaumaturgic Shrine | All chests on the level close and can be searched again | What once was open now is closed | ^ Current game only. Single-player. ^^^ | Weird Shrine | Adds 1 to all weapons maximum damage. Effects is temporary until a new game is started. | The sword of justice is swift and sharp |