====== Screen Stuff ====== Very useful utility that can be used to run unattended software. ===== Monitoring Software ===== Script to start the monitoring software in screen. **EXEC** is the executable name and **SMON** should contain screen label. #!/bin/bash THATPATH=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) THATNAME="my1mon" THATEXEC="my1run" [ ! -d "$THATPATH" ] && exit 1 [ ! -f "${THATPATH}/${THATEXEC}" ] && exit 2 cd "$THATPATH" screen -wipe >/dev/null check=`screen -ls | grep "$THATNAME"` if [ "$check" = "" ] ; then echo -n "Creating new screen... " screen -d -m -S "$THATNAME" echo "done." fi check=`screen -ls | grep "$THATNAME"` if [ "$check" = "" ] ; then echo "Screen not found! Aborting!" exit 1 else echo -n "Starting monitor in screen... " screen -S "$THATNAME" -X stuff "./${THATEXEC}^M" echo "done." fi To start it every time the system starts, add the following code to startup script (e.g. //rc.local//) su -c 'sh /home/user/mymon/my1mon.sh' - user Cron Job entry to register IP at 8pm every night 0 20 * * * /home/user/slackware/slackstuff/chkip user@serverhost:temp/