====== Raspberry Pi Tips / Issues ====== Some stuffs... ===== Check if Running Raspbian-Lite ===== To check if we are on lite version, (well one way to do it...) is to check if raspberrypi-ui-mods package is installed. The following command will return nothing if it is not installed - so, we are probably on lite then. $ sudo apt list raspberrypi-ui-mods --installed ===== Setting Timezone on Pi from commandline ===== I run desktop-less Raspbian (Buster) and somehow the timezone got reset. To set that, # sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur ===== Change hostname manually ===== Edit ''/etc/hostname'' and ''/etc/hosts'' - modify accordingly, and reboot immediately. $ name=my1pi $ prev=$(cat /etc/hostname) $ sudo sed -i "s/$prev/$name/" /etc/hostname $ sudo sed -i "s/$prev/$name/" /etc/hosts $ sudo reboot ===== Disable Display from Sleeping ===== The simplest way is... install xscreensaver and disable it! # sudo apt install xscreensaver ===== ePhoto Frame ===== Script to make Pi an e-Photo Frame. #!/bin/bash SHOW_PATH="/home/pi/Pictures" [ -d "$1" ] && SHOW_PATH=`cd $1;pwd` SHOW_EXEC="feh" SHOW_FULL=`which $SHOW_EXEC 2>/dev/null` # args: delay 5s, fullscreen, recursive, randomize SHOW_ARGS="-D5 -F -r -z" echo "Accessing pictures in $SHOW_PATH..." # press esc to quit? ${SHOW_FULL} ${SHOW_ARGS} ${SHOW_PATH} ===== Set Static IP ===== * get the following info: address, netmask, broadcast, network, gateway * to get address, netmask, broadcast: $ ifconfig eth0: flags=4163 mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast * to get network, gateway: $ netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 * edit ''/etc/network/interfaces'' and change iface eth0 inet dhcp to iface eth0 inet static address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx network xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx broadcast xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx //note: fill in the info accordingly// ===== Display Issues ===== //**Note** Got these from R-Pi site.// The HDMI monitor (or HDMI adapter) may only support a limited set of formats for CEA (TV) or DMT (Monitor). To find out which formats are supported, use the following method: * Set the output format to VGA 60Hz (hdmi_group=1 and hdmi_mode=1) and boot up your Raspberry Pi * Enter the following command to give a list of CEA-supported modes: /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -m CEA * Enter the following command to give a list of DMT-supported modes: /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -m DMT * Enter the following command to show your current state: /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -s Then edit config.txt to select: * hdmi_group={0:EDID_auto_detect,1:CEA,2:DMT} * hdmi_mode={select from tvservice output} ===== Auto-run Script/Program on Startup ===== //**Note**: This assumes a Raspbian installation with desktop environment, and username is **pi**.// * create path ''/home/pi/.config/autostart'' * create a desktop file in there (e.g. monitor.desktop) [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Monitor Exec=/path/to/exec ===== Script to run browser full-screen ===== #!/bin/bash chromium-browser http://server.local:1337 --start-fullscreen