====== Introduction to Verilog and ModelSim ====== //**This page is intended for the participants of 'Introduction to Verilog and ModelSim' training course (July 19-21, 2016).**// //**Updated20160718: The course has been postponed to August 1-3, 2016.**// Many electronic system design work involves Hardware Description Language (HDL) coding. Verilog HDL is one of the easiest HDL to learn and is the preferred language especially for entry-level engineers. This is because of its simplicity (e.g. as opposed to VHDL which is strongly typed) and its C-like syntax (which most engineering students would be familiar with). ModelSim is an industry-standard HDL simulation environment by Mentor Graphics® that is used (among others) for Integrated Circuit (IC) design, FPGA-based digital designs, or simply for logic verification. ====== Course Objectives ====== This course is designed to provide introductory-level practical knowledge on using Verilog and ModelSim for simple digital logic/system design. ====== Learning Outcomes ====== Upon completion of this course, the participants should be able to: - Understand the basic requirements in implementing digital design using HDL - Create and implement a simple digital logic design using Verilog - Test and verify a simple digital logic design using ModelSim ====== Who Will Benefit From This Course ====== This course is designed for engineers, researchers, system designers, technical specialists, graduate students and individuals who are interested in developing fundamental skills on digital systems development, especially on FPGA platform. //Related keywords: HDL, Verilog, ModelSim, Digital Logic/Systems Design.// ====== Course Content ====== ^ Sessions ^ Details ^ Materials ^ Notes ^ ^ Session 1 | * Introduction to Verilog * Overall view on CAD-based design flow * Introduction to HDLs * Introduction to Digital Simulation Tool * Implementing simple logic design using Verilog * Implementing simple testbench using Verilog | {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p1.pdf|Slide 1}} {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p2.pdf|Slide 2}} | Mainly a theoretical session | ^ Session 2 | * Using ModelSim * Creating a new project on ModelSim * Add/create Verilog files to the project * Run simulation using ModelSim * Analyze waveform based on simulation results | {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p3.pdf|Slide 3}} | Step-by-step software session | ^ Session 3 & 4 | * Combinational Logic * Moving towards designing an ALU | {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p4.pdf|Slide 4}} | A more practical session (2 slots) | ^ Session 5 & 6 | * Sequential Logic * Moving towards designing a register block (This is optional and depends on participants' progress) * State Machines and Control Logic * Moving towards designing control block | {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p5.pdf|Slide 5}} {{:archive:pgt206:verilog_p6.pdf|Slide 6 (Optional)}} | A more practical session (2 slots) |