My Mini-Blog

MY1 C Compiler

Guess what I have been doing for the last month? I call it my1cc (duh!)… and I have published my initial work at Obviously it is wayyyyy from being usable, but the parser seems to work… somewhat. In the end, I was hoping to develop a usable C compiler for 8051/8085 platforms, so that I can use it in my microcontroller/microprocessor classes. I do have to pause a bit… hopefully I can resume A.S.A.P.

But, DO NOT hold your breath for that :-D

That is all I have to say about that.

2024/06/30 16:55 · azman

SPM-Level Computer Science

It turns out, Computer Science (CS) for SPM (Malaysia Certificate of Education @MCE) deals mainly with database and web interface. I have developed database-related systems before, but I was doing it without having formal class on it. Basically, I simply wing-it based on what I know on how computers store data (i.e. C data types).

I need to help my son with some questions, so I looked up 'database normalization' and found some things. The good thing is the way I implemented my database is mainly the 'correct' way. The not-so-good thing is that I am NOT able to help my son much with the practice questions - simply too many terms that I am not familiar with. Just shows that implementations need not be theoretically developed - experience (and good fundamentals) can also help to produce relatively sufficient results.

Anyways, the main reason I am writing this here is to 'store' the following 'note' (for my personal future reference).

Database Normalization
Five 'rules' to make data normal: 1NF,2NF,...,5NF (NF=normal form)
- each rule builds on another, starting from 1NF
- 1NF/2NF/3NF -> Core Basics (normalization usually means 3NF!)
- 4NF/5NF -> Exceptions
*Note: Normalization is about grouping & connecting data the right way!
1NF is about
- atomic values
- unique identifiers
*Term: Imagine a spreadsheet -> [table] or [entity]
1NF rules
- a cell cannot contain more than 1 value
  = if it does, that column needs to be split into multiple columns
- each row (@record) must be unique
  = look for potential primary key
  = usually, we use system-generated (integers are better!)
- each column name must be unique
- there must be no repeating groups (or cells?)
  = it there are, remove and create new table (1NF!)
2NF rule
- all data/column(s) must depend on the primary key
  = if it does not, must be split into it own table (1NF!)
  = use primary key in new table as column value -> foreign key
3NF rule
- primary key must define all non-key column(s)
  = non-key column(s) must not depend on any other key
  = if this is not met, must create new table and use foreign key to link
2023/12/30 12:35 · azman

Why engineering students should not use Arduino

I am one of those tertiary educators in engineering (E&E) who is against the idea of Electronics Engineering students using Arduino for their bachelor degree project. This is a great example why that is the case. I know that is about software, but still the same principle.

When your system depends on other people's work (i.e. you use library/libraries most of the time in Arduino), there is always a possibility it cannot be maintained in the future. And, for engineering students, the most important thing for you is to be competent at creating that 'building block' (@fundamental code/design) on your own… so that even if you do not need to write/develop any, your can still fix it when something no longer works.

That is all I have got to say about that… for now 8-)

2023/12/06 07:05 · azman

Broadcom-sta on Slackware 15 for old laptop

I need to use my old laptop that requires broadcom-sta driver for its WiFi module.

Updated20240301: Updated script

TCHK=$(which $TOOL 2>/dev/null)
[ ! -x "$TCHK" ] && echo "** Cannot find $TOOL!" && exit 1
OPTS="--recursive --no-parent --no-host-directories"
OPTS="$OPTS --reject index.html*"
OPTS="$OPTS --cut-dirs=3"
OPTS="$OPTS --execute robots=off"

That is all I have to say about that.

2023/11/23 07:07 · azman


Just a self reminder - I actually only just found out how useful valgrind can be :-P

Simple run

$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes -s <command>

Or, with logger

valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --log-file=valgrind.rpt <command>

Maybe I will elaborate on this some other time.

2023/09/14 08:55 · azman

Using UniMAP Thesis Latex template with TexLive

On Slackware

On Devuan

  • install
    $ apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-science
  • install
    $ apt install texlive-lang-other texlive-fonts-extra texlive-font-utils
  • need to check this
    $ apt install texlive-bibtex-extra biber

    biber package info text says it breaks texlive-bibtex-extra FIXME

Edited20230922 Fixed wrong package name

2023/08/29 12:54

Getting word count for Latex-generated document

We need texcount binary for this. For a Latex source saved as paper.tex, simply run

$ texcount -inc -v -sum paper.tex

to get various statistics for each *.tex (files specified using \include will also be in the analysis). To get the information in an HTML formatted file, run

$ texcount -inc -v -html -sum paper.tex >info.html

Edit the written HTML document to filter out any information if necessary.

That is all I have to say about that 8-)

2023/08/29 13:04

Running C program on Android

I come across this page today which was written in 2020! How could I have missed this??? Anyway, I have actually been thinking of exploring this opportunity for years (always got stucked thinking how cumbersome Android NDK is!) - well, I guess this can be a good starting point! The repo to look into is this. Unfortunately, I am working on something else at the moment… let's see how far I can get with this.

That is all I have to say about that.

2023/08/29 13:04

Using DWM on Slackware

I have used DWM before on a laptop - it was nice and minimal… perfect for that old laptop. I just got myself a refurbished i5-based desktop PC and I decided to install Slackware and use DWM on it. For networking, I have network-manager icon running in system tray (using systray patch). For volume control, I have a simple script (wrapper for amixer) to help me with that. But, I also need to test some headphones for my kids. So, I just found out that ALSA actually have a binary speaker-test to help with that!

A simple test on simple stereo speaker (2-channel) can be done by running:

$ speaker-test -c 2 -t wav -l 4

That is all I have to say about that.

2023/08/29 13:04

CPU scaling on Linux

Just a short one… I cannot find any info regarding this in my wiki.

Using cpufrequtils, to get info

$ cpufreq-info

To set new governor

$ cpufreq-set -c {core-idx} -g {powersave,ondemand,etc} 
2023/08/29 13:04

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