Table of Contents

Operating Systems

Being assigned to handle PGT200 - an undergraduate course on Operating Systems have grown some interest in me to explore more details (I only had one course on this topic while doing my B.Eng. - and that was it!). I just thought I should keep a note of this just in case I want to do more of this in the future.

Most of the information here will be about implementations on standard PC operating systems, but my interest would be to implement it on machines related to embedded systems.

Background Info

Booting a system (a more technical term would be bootstrapping):

Master Boot Record

Read more @ wikipedia

Bootloader Program

This is a simple tutorial on how to develop a simple bootloader for x86 compatible machines, meant to be used with a USB drive.

Using QEMU for Testing

It would be a nightmare to test a bootloader code using an actual USB drive booting an actual machine unless you have other machine than the one you are using for writing/building the code. The best way to do this is using a virtual machine and I recommend QEMU for this.

First we create a 256MB USB disk image using qemu-img

qemu-img create -f raw usb_drive.img 256M

Although not necessary, most USB drives nowadays are detected HDD and thus BIOS expects an MBR (I'm not going into GPT for now). To create proper partition table in MBR with a single bootable W95 FAT32 (LBA) partition I use fdisk

fdisk -u usb_drive.img

A 'faster' way would be to simply type

fdisk -u usb_drive.img <<EOF


Notice there are two newline characters (hit ENTER twice) between '1' and 't'. The fdisk version I'm using writes a random (at least I think it's random) 32-bit disk signature at location 0x1b8 that is optional and can be overwritten. Use

hexdump -C usb_drive.img

to verify 0x55, 0xAA sequence at location 0x1fe and 0x1ff respectively.

This is the part which is previously NOT needed due to the fact that floppy disks do not need partition tables (non-partitioned storage). Since the bootloader code we developed is exactly 512 bytes, it is obvious that the code will overwrite the partition information in the MBR. To avoid this we only write 446 bytes instead on the full 512 bytes, which is fine since the 0x55 0xAA sequence is already there. Due to the fact that we are writing to a disk image, we need to add conv=notrunc option so that the image file will NOT be truncated. (This is not a problem when the target is a device file!)

dd if=loader.bin of=usb_drive.img bs=1 count=446 conv=notrunc

Finally… to test the USB disk image

qemu-system-i386 -hda usb_drive.img -boot c