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Devuan Installation

My Devuan installation notes.

Latest Devuan Installation


Using Devuan Chimaera DVD ISO (dd onto USB) → UEFI boot!

Note: If using netinstall or CD1 some firmware may not be available - which is a problem if using WiFi module.

The must-haves for MY Devuan installation:

The stuffs I currently need:

Note: these are required to compile Linux kernel: libncurses5-dev build-essential libssl-dev libelf-dev git bison flex (need to check if these are already installed by the above selection, e.g. build-essential and git are covered)

work in progress…?

Last XFCE Installation

Minimal Desktop Installation

I want a basic installation with dwm.

work in progress…

Devuan upgrade (chimaera to daedalus)

Personal note - basically from

upgrade chimaera to daedalus (from
- update/upgrade chimaera
# apt update
# apt upgrade
- update apt sources.list
# sed -i 's/chimaera/daedalus/g'  /etc/apt/sources.list
- update pkg list from daedalus
# apt update
- kill screensaver (if running)
# killall xscreensaver
- upgrade/dist-upgrade
# apt upgrade
# apt dist-upgrade
- in case of failures, fix and rerun
# apt -f install
# apt dist-upgrade
- cleanup
# apt autoremove --purge
# apt autoclean
deb daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-security main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-updates main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
#deb-src daedalus main 
#deb-src daedalus-security main
#deb-src daedalus-updates main

Install Using debootstrap

Note: I got to Cinnamon Desktop and everything looks ok - BUT, I simply cannot run gnome-terminal! Well, I can if i run dbus-update-activation-environment first. So, I missed something coz when I reinstalled using the full dvd, everything works fine.

work in progress…

Devuan Setups

These depends on my need when using that particular machine.


note: Setting up mingw-w64 cross-compiler

Web Server

Multi-Arch (a.k.a. Multi-Lib)

To run 32-bit binary:

To build 32-bit binary:


To play steam games:

NFS setup

Dumping this as it is for now:


My iso2boot script need isohybrid from syslinux/isolinux project:

Use Tips

Some are applicable to any APT-based distro.

Note for APT-based distro: To remove translations, create file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99translation and insert Acquire::Languages { “none”; };.

Note: look into unattended-upgrades (simply apt install and run dpkg-reconfigure –priority=low unattended-upgrades???)

List Installed Packages

Using apt tool:

apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | grep installed

Note that apt will issue a warning when piping its output in shell. Hence, the need to redirect stderr to /dev/null. We can further grep away the packages that were automatically installed.

Using the basic dpkg tool:

dpkg --get-selections | sed -n 's/^\([^\t]*\)\t.*$/\1/ p'

This version, however, only provides package name. To extract similar output from apt (assuming output was redirected into a file called temp.txt), run

cat temp.txt | sed -n 's|^\(.*\)/.*$|\1| p'

Adding More Repo

Get proper signature key from that source (*.asc file) and add to system using apt-key.

# cat <key-file.asc> | apt-key add - 

Create a listing file for source URL in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.

# echo "deb [arch=?] <new-repo-url> <version> main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/new-repo.list

After doing an apt update, should be able to apt install <pkg>

Reconfigure Package

Basically, run a dpkg-reconfigure <pkg>

e.g. To change timezone

# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Upgrading APT-based systems

To do an upgrade:

That should do it!

Search package for specific binary

Avoiding marking package as manually installed

GRUB Stuffs

To prevent GRUB from looking for other OS every time it is updated:

To add a custom entry:

KVM Stuffs

If KVM group is missing, simply create one…

# [ -z "$(cat /etc/group|grep kvm)" ] && addgroup --gid 125 kvm


Issues… and maybe fixes (if any).

Image Magick's convert error

I found an error when using image magick's convert to create EPS from fig that provides this message:

convert-im6.q16: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `EPS' @error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/421


GRUB Prompt

In some cases, after an installation is complete, the system boots to a GRUB prompt. The issue may be caused by a different disk assignment during installation. Things is not so bad since GRUB prompt is very shell-like (e.g. double-tab for completion):

To list available disks:

> ls 

To list content of first partition on the first disk (/dev/sda1) that is using GPT:

> ls (hd0,gpt1) 

So, to boot an installation on second partition instead:

> linux (hd0,gpt2)/boot/vmlinuz<...>
> initrd (hd0,gpt2)/boot/initrd.img<...>
> boot

BCM Wireless


# lspci -nn | grep BCM
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Limited BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)

Install: broadcom-sta-dkms, firmware-linux, firmware-b43-installer (b43-fwcutter)

*note*: only solves the Wireless Driver part… NOT the bluetooth hardware!

# lsusb | grep BCM
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0a5c:216d Broadcom Corp. BCM43142A0 Bluetooth 4.0
# dmesg | grep blue
[    8.850007] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd (-2)
[    8.850197] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd failed with error -2

So, download BCM43142A0-0a5c-21d6.hcd in here and place it /lib/firmware/brcm/ (create that path if it does not exist).

XFCE Desktop

Cinnamon DE


Youtube videos keep resetting the volume settings to 100%! The culprit is flat-volumes. Modify /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and set flat-volumes=no.

(Re)-Compiling Syslinux

I need to recompile syslinux - just to remind myself, other than the usual development packages (build-essential, etc), I also need nasm and upx-ucl.

apt install nasm and upx-ucl

Unwanted Background Program

I found this in my old notes… I somehow found an autostart program geoclue-demo-agent.desktop, which I obviously do not need. So, simply remove that from autostart path

# rm /etc/xdg/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop

Sound muted on startup on my HP laptop

trying two options found… so far, not successful? keeping this here for reference.

  1. option 1:
    • install alsa-utils
    • make sure sound is not muted and set to desired volume level
    • run (as root) alsactl store
  2. option 2:
    • edit (as root) /etc/pulse/
      • can also copy this to home folder ??? for 1-user solution…
    • comment out 'load-module module-device-restore'

General Issues

Using Wine on Devuan

Setup Wine (as root):

Configure Wine (as user):

Note: Install fuseiso to enable mounting ISO as user

Game: Red Alert 2

Setup Installer ISO:

Run installer


Application: LTSpice

Devuan on Raspberry Pi

Check out here.



work in progress… 2 issues: {surf cannot validate cert}{reboot hangs}

Note: Will simply use Raspberry Pi OS for now…