Table of Contents

Slackware/Linux Experience

This page is about my experience using Linux in general, and specifically using Slackware OS.

Slackware Installation

My Slackware installation notes. Some old notes have been archived.

Do note that Slackware also has a great documentation site.

Getting Slackware

The official way to do this is, of course, to get it from

Personally, I have getslack, a bash script based on (more accurately, a trimmed-down version of) the excellent (he termed it infamous) by Alien Bob. When going down this path, the next step would be to prepare the installation media.

Slackware Installer ISO Image

Slackware USB Installer

Note: GPT Disks and EFI

Using Slackware-current

Note: I have removed a section on DE-less installation since my current slackware installations ARE, in fact, DE-less.

Note: I have also removed a section on hijacking other Linux system - this, here, turned out to be VERY similar to what needed to be done.


I need to use GTK3 version that is newer that the one on 14.2, so I tried the development version (slackware64-current). I have done the same once (pre-11), so I am aware that there can be some issues when doing this. I am happy to say that I AM writing this on a slackware64-current (15.0 beta?) installation on my laptop.

So, this is a little note to my future self (or anybody that may be find this useful DISCLAIMER: Use this at your own risk!). I am doing this while still using Devuan and I want to keep that for backup, in case things go wrong. (On a side note, the reason I use Devuan was because of the GTK3 version.) So, I have an extra partition that I have reformatted and prepared to download the stuffs I need.

  • download official packages (getslack)
    • create download path: <mount-path>/home/share/slackware
    • create custom getslack config .getslack
    • set VERS=current
    • exclude kde & xfce
  • setup EFI boot
    • bzImage in kernels/huge.s (rename to vmlinuz)
    • initrd.img in isolinux/ (this has the slackware setup)
  • boot and run installation as usual
    • DO NOT format partition (packages are there!)
    • pick packages from mounted path
    • manually set kernel to boot (i use huge - generic needs initramfs)
  • boot newly installed slackware
    • remove gnuchess and xaos packages
    • make sure vim does not create backups (edit /usr/share/vim/vimrc)
    • allow dmesg for user
      • edit /etc/rc.d/rc.localecho 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict
    • just for personal reference, some useful info on using nmcli
      nmcli r[adio] wifi
      nmcli r[adio] wifi on
      nmcli d[evice] wifi list
      nmcli d[evice] wifi connect <ssid> password <pass> ifname <wlan0>
      nmcli c[onnection] show
      nmcli c[onnection] down <ssid>
      nmcli c[onnection] up <ssid>
    • customize /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults (standard default paths)
    • create user
  • things to note!
    • elogind conflicts with my acpi scripts (lid, to be exact)
      • edit /etc/elogind/logind.conf
      • insert HandleLidSwitch=ignore
    • pm-utils not available
      • use loginctl instead (e.g. loginctl suspend instead of pm-suspend)
      • on the plus side, does not need root
    • to lock xsession when suspending, create sleep-hook (script)
      • e.g. edit /lib64/elogind/system-sleep/xlock
        case "$1" in
                        upid=$(pgrep dbus-launch)
                        user=$(ps -o user --no-headers $upid)
                        export XAUTHORITY=/home/$user/.Xauthority
                        export DISPLAY=":0.0"
                        su $user -c 'xlock -mode matrix' &
                        sleep 1
      • make it executable (chmod a+x)
  • get additional packages (getslackpack)
    • luckily, alienBob's repo 'supports' current
    • create custom getslackpack config .getslackpack
    • (alien) openjdk libreoffice libreoffice-dict-en“
    • note: ffmpeg already on current!
  • get additional packages (getslackbuild)
    • run as VERS=14.2 getslackbuild fetch <pkg>
    • pkgs: dmenu geany rox-filer slackware-xdm-theme
    • pkgs: slock st wmname pmount unrar
    • pkgs: nss-mdns avahi libdaemon
    • note: rox-filer cannot be compiled, needed patching (this)
    • i have gathered all the scripts from that i use and keep them here
  • i want to use dwm
    • using my own custom build script (which has personalized patches)
    • my dwm xinitrc will run loginctl hibernate when battery<30% (→ what i need on my current laptop)

To maintain:

note: my libmy1slack library will detect current when /etc/slackware-version has '+' suffix. this sign will disappear when -current is near to a stable release.

  • run slack-update as usual
    • when -current going stable, use SLACKVERS=current slack-update
  • run slack-current instead of slackpatch
    • when -current going stable, use -f switch
    • to see removed packages, use slackview (i.e. SLACKVERS=current slackview find –alien)
  • update those installed using getslackbuild if needed

Lean Installation

This is what I do for a lean (not necessarily minimal, but trimmed to my liking) installation. Will continuously update this based on my latest experience.


  • official packages (getslack)
    • without kde & xfce (checkout my getslack config file below)
    • removepkg: gnuchess, xaos, xsnow
    • removepkg: joe, nano, vim-gvim, slackpkg
  • setup/config
    • make sure vim does not create backups (edit /usr/share/vim/vimrc)
      • or, run vimstart (from my1shell repo)
    • dmesg no longer allowed for user
      • edit /etc/rc.d/rc.localecho 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict
      • or, run setup_slack (from my1shell repo)
    • setup acpi from my personal script
  • additional packages (getslackpack)
    • (alien) openjdk libreoffice libreoffice-dict-en”
  • additional packages (getslackbuild)
    • dmenu slock st wmname
    • slackware-xdm-theme
    • geany rox-filer pmount unrar
    • nss-mdns avahi libdaemon
    • scripts from all gathered here
  • custom dwm build
    • using my own build script (which has personalized patches)

To maintain:

Configuration file for getslack

Configuration file for getslackpack

Configuration file for slackpatch

Listing for my1live-root

Core list for Slackware-15.0 (Current)

chroot Installation

20110621 I want to have a 32-bit system running in chroot environment on my Slackware64. I've used such system on Debian using schroot…

20110906 I managed to do this as published here

20120518 Minor change to the fstab entry for dev, which needs an rbind option so that the pty inside can be valid! Discussed here.

20120524 This is now part of my slackstuff collection (now known as my1shell)… in form of a script called slackroot.

20121031 The path to the chroot installation MUST ALL BE owned by root - or else, users will get a Write failed: Broken pipe error.

TODO A how-to on creating 32-bit chroot on 64-bit Slackware using slackroot script.

- on my pure slack64 (maintained using getslack/getslackpack)
$ ARCH=i686 getslack
- create root filesystem using 32-bit packages
# slackroot /opt/chroot32 --arch x86 --desk -x
- copy user/group info from 64-bit system to chroot32
  = will maintain its own login info!
# preproot --init /opt/chroot32
- mount bind 'system' paths
# preproot /opt/chroot32
- ssh into system to use 32-bit chroot
# ssh user@
- unmount bind 'system' paths
# preproot --done /opt/chroot32

Extra Notes

Some things to note…

20210620 Slackware's CPU frequency scaling works (checkout /etc/rc.d/rc.cpufreq) - just to remind myself, no need to look into this!

Admin-stuff for non-root user

To allow non-root users basic admin (poweroff,reboot,etc.), insert the following to /etc/sudoers (obviously, through sudo). Note: Actually, only to users in group power.

%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/poweroff
%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pm-suspend
%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pm-powersave

Note: The pm-* binaries (pm-utils) are no longer available on Slackware 15.0

Multicast DNS @ Zeroconf

  • install nss-mdns (requires avahi (requires libdaemon))
  • save nss config
    • mv /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf-orig
  • use provided nss config
    • cp /etc/nsswitch.conf-mdns /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • run daemon at startup
    [ -x "$script" ] && $script start
    [ -x "$script" ] && $script start

Multilib Setup

Main references are here and here.

  1. Basically, need to have C library and compiler capable of multilib. I use getslackpack to download required packages from Eric's multilib site. Install as instructed.
  2. I already have a 32-bit Slackware tree downloaded using getslack which I use for my 32-bit chroot installation. I use script on this tree. The script can be used to update as well (built packages are not rebuilt). Install as instructed.
  3. My slackpatch script has been updated to handle 'blacklisted' 64-bit versions and 'upgraded' compat32 packages


Read here. I now have a more specific script to get multilib stuff (previously part of getslackpack script),

  • use getslack-multilib to download alien_bob's multilib stuff
    • compat32-tools glibc(&friends) gcc(&friends)
    • compat32 library packages
  • upgrade pure-64 glibc/gcc packages counterparts
    • upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.t?z
  • install compat32-tools
    • some useful helper scripts
  • install 32-bit layer support libraries
    • upgradepkg –install-new slackware64-compat32/*-compat32/*.t?z
    • obviously, can be used to upgrade as well

Upgrading 14.1 to 14.2

A bash shell script I used to upgrade from 14.1 to 14.2

Building Custom Kernel

  • run shell script (getlinux)
  • select version, download source
  • extract at /usr/src/ (e.g. linux-4.4.199)
  • copy a config from /boot
    # cp /boot/config-generic? > .config
  • use that config
    # make oldconfig
  • configure build
    # make menuconfig
  • build the kernel
    # make -j4 bzImage
  • build/install modules
    # make -j4 modules && make modules_install
    • modules_install requires root, obviously!
  • copy (as root) kernel
    cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-generic-4.14.12
    cp /boot/
    cp .config /boot/config-generic-4.14.12
  • generate initrd if using generic
    mkinitrd -c -k 4.14.12 -f ext4 -r /dev/sda3 -m ext4 -u -o /boot/initrd.gz
    • a useful initrd generator script IS available
    • run /usr/share/mkinitrd/
    • then run the generated/recommended command
    • checkout the -P option if required

Listing Packages

Run ls -l output on /var/log/packages

# ls -l /var/log/packages

Get package full name ONLY

# ls -l /var/log/packages | sed 's|^.* \(.*\)$|\1|g'

Get package name ONLY

 # ls -l /var/log/packages | sed -e 's|^.* \(.*\)$|\1|g' -e 's|^\(.*\)-[^-]*-[^-]*-[^-]*$|\1|g'

Find package files for installed packages

for pkg in `ls /var/log/packages/` ; do
	pkg_file=`find /home/share/slackware/slackware64-14.2/ -name "${pkg}.txz"` ;
	[ -f "$pkg_file" ] && continue ;
	echo "Cannot find file for $pkg" ;

Find installation log for standard packages

for pkg in `find /home/share/slackware/slackware64-14.2/slackware64 -name "*.txz" | sort` ; do
	base=`basename $pkg` ;
	name=${base%.*} ;
	test="/var/log/packages/$name" ;
	[ -f "$test" ] && continue ;
	echo "Cannot find file for $test" ;

To list currently installed packages (to be used in my1live)

  • get all installed packages
    # slackview file --name pkgs.txt --installed --insert
  • sort based on software sets
    # slackview file --name pkgs.txt --sort
  • remove those already selected for my1live
    slackview file --name pkgs.txt --dups curr.list
  • rename pkgs.txt to my1live list (e.g. XXmore.list)

Slackware/Linux Desktop

Little tips for better Slackware/Linux desktop experience.

Mplayer (gmplayer) runs without video window

Double-clicking in file manager (Thunar) shows no video (audio is ok, so program is running). Running mplayer from command line is fine. Turns out gui version is gmplayer - running from console shows this error message

Failed to open VDPAU backend

So, just edit ~/.mplayer/gui.conf, find the line for vo_driver and set it to gl. Show be ok after that… at least in my case it is.

Login issue

When using xdm, login fails sometimes with error message … Unable to establish ICE listener…

  • edit /etc/rc.d/rc.localrm -rf /tmp/.ICE-unix/*

Mplayer and Xscreensaver

Note: NOT tested… just found this :-P

Although the mplayer setting to disable xscreensaver has been selected, xscreensaver still runs!

Possible Solution: Edit ~/.mplayer/config

heartbeat-cmd="xscreensaver-command -deactivate >/dev/null 2>&1"

Audio issue when using ALSA

The solution is here

  • in short, ALSA using the HDMI output as default
  • use alsamixer, [F6] select the card (the one that is NOT HDMI) and make sure output is not muted
  • use aplay -l to identify the card/slot# and device#
  • use aplay -D plughw:<card/slot#>,<device#> <WAV file> to test
  • edit /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc to fix this (sample below)
    pcm.!default {
            type hw
            card <card/slot#>
       ctl.!default {
            type hw
            card <card/slot#>

Low volume when using ALSA

As seen here

Check /etc/asound.conf

  pcm.!default {
      type plug
      slave.pcm "softvol"

  pcm.softvol {
      type softvol
      slave {
          pcm "dmix"
      control {
          name "Pre-Amp"
          card 0
      min_dB -5.0
      max_dB 20.0
      resolution 6

Sometimes need type in pcm.!default to be hw

Slackware Application

Setting up application(s) on Slackware… but, most are applicable to all distributions.

'Hidden' Application

There are a couple (a few?)of applications that I thought have great features but relatively unknown (I only knew about them after looking for specific solution). Here they are:

  • xfig - nice app to create figures for use with latex
  • xpaint - can do screen capture (xpaint -snapshot)

Apache Setup

Editing /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

  • change document root to a folder my main user have full access
    • also create a link to it from my user account
  • allow php to be indexed ⇒ add to directory index in dir_module
  • enable php (towards the end of the file) ⇒ include mod_php.conf
  • enable mod_rewrite (API server?) ⇒ LoadModule …
  • optional: set serveradmin email and servername
  • optional: to only serve locally, set listen localhost:80 ???

Setting up SSL: (for HTTPS!)

  • modify /etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
    • enable loadmodule
    • enable loadmodule
    • include httpd-ssl.conf
  • generate private key:
    • openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048
    • rsa private key with 2048-bit long modulus written to file
  • generate cert:
    • openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 1095
  • edit /etc/httpd/httpd-ssl.conf
    • acordingly…

mariadb/mysql Setup

  • run
  • make sure permision given to user mysql
    chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
  • start daemon
    sh /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start
  • run
  • create specific database for specific app
    create database app_db;
  • create specific user for specific app and grant all access
    grant all privileges on app_db.* to 'user_app'@'localhost' identified by 'pass_app';
  • just formality, run
    flush privileges;
  • to additionally create specific user for specific app
    create user 'user_app'@'localhost' identified by 'pass_app';
  • recover root password:
    # /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld stop
    # mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
    # mysql -u root
    $ mysql -uroot -p
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD('<newpass>') where User='root';
    mysql> flush privileges;
    mysql> exit
  • reset auto_increment primary key:
    alter table my1vehicle AUTO_INCREMENT=1;
  • remove foreign key from table (start with checking for key name)
    select table_name,auto_increment from information_schema.tables;
    alter table my1data_use drop foreign key my1data_use_ibfk_2;
  • backup db
    mysqldump -p -u user userdb > userapp-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.sql

TeXLive Install/Setup

The default tetex is usable, but it is no longer maintained and some new packages are not available.

The recommended TeX distribution is TeXLive.

  • Download from here
  • Execute
    ./install-tl -gui
    • install path: /home/share/tool/texlive/YYYY (currently, YYYY=2020)
    • select basic, then customize (e.g. lang:en, graphics, math, etc.)
    • setup environment variable
      export PATH=${TL_PATH}/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH
      export MANPATH=${TL_PATH}/texmf-dist/doc/man:$MANPATH
      export INFOPATH=${TL_PATH}/texmf-dist/doc/info:$INFOPATH
    • setup tlmgr (tlmgr option repository ctan)
  • Run manager
    tlmgr --gui
    • needs perl-tk
    • to get collection of a package
      tlmgr show <package>
2023/08/29 13:04

rsync server

  • create /etc/rsyncd.conf
    max connections = 2
    log file = /var/log/rsync.log
    timeout = 300
    comment = Shared Stuff
    path = /home/share
    read only = yes
    list = yes 
    hosts allow =
    uid = nobody
    gid = nobody
    #auth users = pub
    #secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
    • modify subnet mask address for host allow accordingly
  • in /etc/inetd.conf
    • insert this line
      rsync	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/bin/rsync	rsync --daemon
  • in /etc/services
    • insert this line
      rsync	873/tcp
  • maybe create /etc/rsyncd.secrets
  • start rsync daemon
    /usr/bin/rsync --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd.conf

Steam on Slack64 (in chroot32)

on an x86_64 machine,

  • install libtxc_dxtn package from (64-bit)
  • use 'slackroot' to create 32-bit chroot environment (chroot32)
    • target for desktop
  • ssh into localhost to enter chroot32 as normal user
    • remember to run 'preproot' (as root) prior to that
    • … and 'preproot –release' when done
  • install packages
    • install alien_bob's steamclient package
    • install libtxc_dxtn package from (32-bit)
  • run 'linux32' to create an official 32-bit environment
  • run 'steam -tcp'

Slackware Miscellaneous

Some personal notes…


  • alien_bob's libreoffice cannot run
    • got unspecified application error
  • found a fix in lq forum
    • look for graphic driver used
      $ lspci -vv | sed -n '/VGA compatible/,/^$/ p'
    • in my case i915
    • have a
2023/08/29 13:06

Linux Notes (System)

Useful notes on Linux systems.

Linux Kernel

Kernel-related stuffs.

Intel Motherboard

On startup, got a kernel warning regarding a firmware bug, TSC_DEADLINE disabled… or something similar. The required 'fix' is to install intel-microcode package.

On Devuan, install the 'parent' package - firmware-linux (which covers both intel-microcode and amd64-microcode)

# apt install firmware-linux

Initramfs will be auto regenerated.

On Slackware, install intel-microcode using script from Create a new initramfs (initrd) using mknitrd (with -P /boot/intel-ucode.cpio).

Kernel Error Message 20210328

After an upgrade on Devuan, I got

pstore: crypto_comp_decompress failed, ret = -22!
pstore: decompression failed: -22

kernel message after rebooting.

Fixed it by deleting everything in /sys/fs/pstore.

Linux LVM

I have some experience playing with AIX and I am very fascinated by its LVM implementation (which is a MUST-USE). I also found out that Linux also has a slightly different LVM implementation - and obviously optional. I tried it on my home machine and I want to put my personal note here. I will simply put it as it is for now… and maybe discuss with a little more detail later.

* DISCLAIMER: this is my personal note. use at your own risk.
* My home machine is running Devuan
- note: mount | grep -v -E "/sys|tmpfs|proc|devpts|gvfs"
- current disk layout on /dev/sda (GPT):
  = p1: UEFI partition (fat32) 127M (1M offset)
  = p2: Root partition (ext4) 30G
  = p3: Home partition (ext4) ~898G
  = p4: Swap partition (swap) 4G
@ TASK: Create a new lv from slice of p3
- make sure basic lvm terms/concepts are covered
  = volume group (vg)
  = physical volume (pv) [aix:pv MUST BE a disk]
  = physical element/extent (pe) [aix:pp=physical partition]
  = logical volume (lv)
  = logical element/extent (le) [aix:lp=logical partition]
- need to unmount /home
  = login as root and make sure no user logged in
- target disk layout:
  = p1: UEFI partition (fat32) 127M (1M offset)
  = p2: Root partition (ext4) 30G
  = p3: Home partition (ext4) 600G
  = p4: Xtra partition (lvm) ~298G
  = p5: Swap partition (swap) 4G
- current p3 content is <500G
* repartition disk to create space for new lv
# umount /home
# e2fsck -f /dev/sda3
# resize2fs -p /dev/sda3 500G
# swapoff /dev/sda4
# gdisk /dev/sda
> delete /dev/sda4
> note /dev/sda3 starting sector
> delete /dev/sda3
> create new /dev/sda3 (linux:8300)
  = make sure use same starting sector
  = specify size +600G
> create new /dev/sda4 (linux lvm:8e00)
  = default starting sector
  = specify -4G to leave space for swap
> create new /dev/sda5 (swap:8200)
  = should have 4G remaining
> exit
* reclaim /dev/sda3 space (600G)
# resize2fs -p /dev/sda3
* edit /etc/fstab accordingly
  - e.g. specify new uuid for swap & /dev/sda3
* restore swap
# swapon -a
- OR, 'swapon /dev/sda5'
* install lvm
- using lvm2 implementation (uses device mapper)
# apt install lvm2
* create pv
# pvcreate /dev/sda4
* create volume group vg
# vgcreate xtravg /dev/sda4
* playing around (create/remove lv)
# lvcreate -L 100G -n store xtravg
# lvcreate -l +100%FREE -n movie xtravg
# lvremove movie
# lvremove store
* create single lv on vg
# lvcreate -l +100%FREE -n share xtravg
# vgdisplay xtravg
* create ext4 fs on lv
# mkfs.ext4 -L LVMSHARE /dev/xtravg/share
* create a mountpoint for the new lv
# mkdir /ext
* check entry in /dev/mapper/
  = should have xtravg-share
* add entry in fstab
  = e.g. /dev/mapper/xtravg-share /ext ext4 defaults 0 2
* manually mount
# mount /ext
@ TASK: Add new disk to existing lv
- got a new disk, using whole disk (1TB)
- extend existing lv
# pvcreate /dev/sdb
# vgdisplay xtravg
# vgextend xtravg /dev/sdb
# vgdisplay xtravg
* use all newly available space
# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/xtravg/share
@ TASK: Remove PV from VG
- need to use original /dev/sda4 for something else
- note: pvs -o+pv_used
- PV is in use, so need to free up
# umount /ext
# e2fsck -f /dev/xtravg/share
# resize2fs -p /dev/xtravg/share 800G
# lvreduce -L 850G /dev/xtravg/share
* reclaim space
# resize2fs -p /dev/xtravg/share
* check usage
# pvs -o+pv_used
- OR, pvdisplay
* IF any PEs still in use
# pvmove /dev/sda4
* remove pv from vg
# vgreduce xtravg /dev/sda4
* remove pv from system (no longer id as pv)
# pvremove /dev/sda4
* reclaim all lv space
# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/xtravg/share
# resize2fs -p /dev/xtravg/share

Linux AUFS

Dumped from my personal note on making AUFS-patched Linux kernel.

How I built an aufs-patched kernel
- get kernel source
  = got 5.4.26 (latest longterm atm)
  $ getlinux 5.4.26 -x
- prepare kernel source
  = extract
  $ tar xf linux-5.4.26.tar.xz
  = actually, i got 5.4.25 like a day before 5.4.26 is release
  = got patch-5.4.25-26 and apply
  $ cd linux-5.4.25
  $ patch -p1 < ~/temp/patch-5.4.25-26
  = renamed the path as linux-5.4.26
- get the required aufsX
  = need aufs5 because i chose kernel v5
  $ git clone git://
- prepare aufs5
  $ git checkout -b aufs5.4 origin/aufs5.4
- get aufs-util (for later use)
  $ git clone git://
- prepare aufs-util
  = aufs-util does not have exact kernel version (get closest lower)
  $ git checkout -b aufs-5.0 origin/aufs5.0
- apply patches in aufs5-standalone into linux
  = not all patches are required
  = refer to README in aufs5-standalone
  = i use method 1
  $ cd linux-5.4.26
  $ patch -p1 < ../aufs5-standalone/aufs5-kbuild.patch
  $ patch -p1 < ../aufs5-standalone/aufs5-base.patch
  $ patch -p1 < ../aufs5-standalone/aufs5-mmap.patch
  $ patch -p1 < ../aufs5-standalone/aufs5-standalone.patch
  = OR (in a single line command)
  $ for a in kbuild base mmap standalone ; do patch -p1 < ../aufs5-standalone/aufs5-$a.patch ; done
- need to copy some files
  = still in linux-5.4.26
  $ cp -av ../aufs5-standalone/Documentation/* Documentation/
  $ cp -av ../aufs5-standalone/fs/* fs/
  $ cp -av ../aufs5-standalone/include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h include/uapi/linux/
- repack this for easy reuse
  = rename path as linux-5.4.26_aufs
  $ cd .. ; mv linux-5.4.26 linux-5.4.26_aufs
  $ cd linux-5.4.26_aufs
  $ packthis
- prepare to build
  = unpack to /usr/src
  $ cd /usr/src ; tar xf linux-5.4.26_aufs.tar.xz
- configure kernel
  $ cd linux-5.4.26_aufs
  = use make_kernel
  $ make_kernel -i -c
  = that will run make menuconfig
  = select aufs as module
- build kernel
  = use make_kernel
  $ make_kernel -x
  = wait...
- pack kernel (slackware)
  = use pack_kernel (duh!)
  $ pack_kernel --all
  = by default package will be at $HOME/temp
2023/08/29 13:04

Linux Desktop Environment

Some usage tips and fixes for Linux Desktop Environment(s)

JWM stuff


jwm mask modifier
- mod key map can be checked using xmodmap -pm

My last used config - requires xdgmenumaker (getslackbuild)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<RootMenu onroot="3">
		<Program icon="terminal.png" label="Terminal">st -g 110x35</Program>
		<Program icon="file-manager.png" label="File Manager">rox</Program>
		<Program icon="text-editor.png" label="Editor">geany_space</Program>
		<Program icon="browser.png" label="Browser">firefox</Program>
		<Program icon="drive-harddisk.png" label="Mount Tool">my1pmount-gtk</Program>
		<Include>exec: xdgmenumaker -n -i -f jwm</Include>
		<Program icon="reload3.png" label="Reload Menu">jwm -reload</Program>
		<Restart icon="reload.png" label="Restart JWM"/>
		<Exit icon="exit.png" label="Exit JWM"/>
		<Program icon="redo.png" label="Reboot">loginctl reboot</Program>
		<Program icon="system-shutdown.png" label="Shutdown">loginctl poweroff</Program>
	<Tray x="0" y="0" autohide="off">
		<TrayButton label="MY1">root:3</TrayButton>
		<Spacer width="2"/>
		<TrayButton label="Desktop">showdesktop</TrayButton>
		<Spacer width="2"/>
		<Pager labeled="true"/>
		<TaskList maxwidth="256"/>
		<Clock format="%Y%m%d %H:%M"></Clock>
	<TrayStyle group="true" list="desktop">
	<Desktops width="2" height="1">
		<!--<Background type="solid">#111111</Background>-->
		<Background type="scale">/usr/share/jwm/slackwall.png</Background>
	<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->
	<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->
	<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->
	<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
	<SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>
	<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
	<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
	<!-- Key bindings -->
	<Key key="Up">up</Key>
	<Key key="Down">down</Key>
	<Key key="Right">right</Key>
	<Key key="Left">left</Key>
	<Key key="h">left</Key>
	<Key key="j">down</Key>
	<Key key="k">up</Key>
	<Key key="l">right</Key>
	<Key key="Return">select</Key>
	<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="p">exec:dmenu_run -b</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F5">move</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F6">resize</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F10">maximize</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="F11">fullscreen</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="Up">udesktop</Key>
	<Key mask="A" key="Down">ddesktop</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="Up">maxtop</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="Down">maxbottom</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="Right">maxright</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="Left">maxleft</Key>
	<Key mask="C4" key="v">maxv</Key>
	<Key mask="C4" key="h">maxh</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="l">exec:xlock -mode matrix</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="m">exec:my1pmount-gtk</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="plus">exec:volume +</Key>
	<Key mask="CA" key="minus">exec:volume -</Key>
	<Key mask="AS" key="Return">exec:st -g 110x35</Key>

DWM stuff


Mod = Alt
[Shift]+[Mod]+[Enter]   - launch terminal.
[Mod]+[b]               - show/hide bar.
[Mod]+[p]               - dmenu
[Mod]+[Enter]           - swap master with top stack
[Mod] + [j / k]         - focus on next/previous window in current tag.
[Mod] + [h / l]         - increases / decreases master size.
[Mod]+[2]               - moves your focus to tag 2.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[2]       - move active window to the 2 tag.
[Mod] + [i / d]         - increases / decreases number of windows on master
[Mod] + [, / .]         - move focus between screens (multi monitor setup)
[Shift]+[Mod]+[, / .]   - move active window to different screen.
[Mod]+[0]               - view all windows on screen.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[0]       - make focused window appear on all tags.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[c]       - kill active window.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[q]       - quit dwm cleanly.
[Mod]+[t]               - tiling mode
[Mod]+[f]               - floating mode
[Mod]+[m]               - monocle mod
[Mod]+[R M B]           - to resize the floating window.
[Mod]+[L M B]           - to move the floating window around.
[Mod]+[Space]           - toggles to the previous layout mode.
[Mod]+[Shift]+[Space]   - to make an individual window float.
[Mod]+[M M B]           - to make an individual window un-float.
[Shift]+[Mod]+[PageUp]  - increase font size
[Shift]+[Mod]+[PageDn]  - decrease font size
[Shift]+[Mod]+[Home]    - reset font size

Generic Stuff

Applicable to most (if not all) DE/WM.

Geany on multiple workspaces

# from:
socket=$(xprop -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP)
socket=${socket##* }
if [ "$socket" ] ; then
	if [ "$DISPLAY" ] ; then
	exec geany --socket-file "/tmp/geany_socket_$socket" "$@"
	exec geany "$@"
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Geany (Workspace)
Comment=Geany wrapper to detect workspace
Exec=geany_space %F

Useful Desktop Files

The *.desktop files provide menu entry for applications.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Arduino IDE (App-Image)
Comment=Arduino IDE
Exec=/home/share/appx/app-image/arduino-ide %F
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Android Studio
Exec=env JAVA_HOME=/home/share/appx/android-studio/jbr /home/share/appx/android-studio/bin/
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/xfig -nowrite_bak %f
Name=xfig -nowrite_bak
Comment=Custom definition for xfig -nowrite_bak

Using xdg-mime


- get mime type of <filename>
$ xdg-mime query filetype <filename>

- get currently set default app for a <mime/type>
$ xdg-mime query default <mime/type>

- set a new default app for a <mime/type>
$ xdg-mime default app.desktop <mime/type>

User Applications

Some specific use-cases (for my personal reference)

  • Video subtitle (*.srt) editor - gaupol (apt,slackbuilds)

XFCE: Slackware64-15.0

Icons for extra/unused partitions on my hard disk are shown on XFCE desktop. I DO NOT want this!

  • Create a udev rule in udev/rules.d path
    KERNEL=="sda3", ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1"
    KERNEL=="sda4", ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1"
    • add more lines as required
  • Reload udev rules
    udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

XFCE: Clock Panel

Custom Digital Clock settings on XFCE

<span size='x-small'>%Y%m%d%n</span><b>%H:%M:%S</b>
<span size='x-small'><i>%Y-%m-%d</i>%n</span><span size='small'><b>%T</b></span>
<span size='small'><b>%Y%m%d</b></span>  %H:%M:%S

XFCE: Terminal Shortcut for Thunar

Note20230501 No longer needed? Simply go Edit>Configure custom actions… and set it there.

There is already a User Custom Action (UCA) defined to 'Open Terminal Here' - so we just need to add a shortcut.

  • Find that UCA id from ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml
  • Locate that id in ~/.config/Thunar/accels.scm
    • uncomment and add shortcut key, e.g. F4

XFCE: Quake-Style Terminal

XFCE4 terminal can actually run in a drop-down mode (Quake-style):

xfce4-terminal --drop-down --hide-menubar

Use keyboard settings (Settings→Keyboard): Create new entry in 'Application Shortcuts' tab with the previous command, with <F12> as trigger key.

XFCE: Remove Suspend/Hibernate Button

xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowSuspend' -t 'bool' -s 'false'
xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowHibernate' -t 'bool' -s 'false'
xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowHybridSleep' -t 'bool' -s 'false'

Sometimes this is also annoying?

xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowSwitchUser' -t 'bool' -s 'false'

XFCE: Multi-User

Note: Latest version should be here

Copying XFCE settings for other users:

[ -z "$DSTUSER" ] && echo "** Missing target username!" && exit 1
while [ 1 ] ; do
[ "$SRCTEST" == "/" ] &&
	echo "** Cannot find /home in current path!" && exit 1
[ "$SRCTEST" == "/home" ] && break;
SRCUSER=$(basename $SRCTEST)
echo "-- Using user '$SRCUSER' as source!"
[ "$DSTUSER" == "$SRCUSER" ] &&
	echo "** Target ($DSTUSER) same as source ($SRCUSER)?" && exit 1
[ ! -d "$DSTHOME" ] &&
	echo "** Cannot find target user path '$DSTHOME'!" && exit 1
[ ! -d "$SRCHOME" ] &&
	echo "** Cannot find source user path '$SRCHOME'!" && exit 1
DST_GRP=$(groups $DSTUSER | sed 's/.* : \([^[:space:]]*\).*$/\1/')
echo "-- Target:{$DSTUSER:$DST_GRP}"
[ $UID -ne 0 ] && echo -e "\n** Must run as root!\n" && exit 1
CHKCONF="Thunar geany xfce4"
for conf in $CHKCONF ; do
	[ ! -d "$SRCCONF" ] && continue
	if [ -d "$DSTCONF" ] ; then
		echo -n "-- Deleting $DSTCONF... "
		rm -rf $DSTCONF
		[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -n "**error0** "
		echo "done."
	echo -n "-- Copying $SRCCONF as $DSTCONF... "
	cp -a $SRCCONF $(dirname $DSTCONF)
	[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -n "**error1** "
	[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo -n "**error2** "
	echo "done."

Cinnamon: Terminal Shortcut for Nemo

Shortcut for nemo file manager

  • $HOME/.gnome2/accels/nemo
    (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/DirViewActions/OpenInTerminal" "F4")

Cinnamon: Shortcuts

Note: Super key is the Windows key

Ctrl+A­lt+Down: Show the window selection screen
Ctrl+A­lt+Up: Show the workspace selection screen
Ctrl+A­lt+End: Shut down dialog
Super+D: Show the desktop
Alt+F2: Run dialog
Alt+F8: Resize window
Alt+F7: Move window
Super+Left: Push tile left
Super+­Right: Push tile right
Super+Up: Push tile up
Super+Down: Push tile down
Ctrl+S­upe­r+Left: Push snap left +
Ctrl+S­upe­r+Right: Push snap right
Ctrl+S­upe­r+Down: Push snap down
Shift+­Ctr­l+A­lt+Left: Move window to left workspace
Shift+­Ctr­l+A­lt+­Right: Move window to right workspace
Super+­Shi­ft+Left: Move window to left monitor
Super+­Shi­ft+­Right: Move window to right monitor
Super+­Shi­ft+Up: Move window to up monitor
Super+­Shi­ft+Down: Move window to down monitor
Alt+F5: Un-max­imize window
Alt+F4: Minimize window
Alt+Space: Activate window menu
Alt+F10: Toggle maximi­zation state
Super+P: Re-detect display devices

Cinnamon: Disable Recent Files

Option is in Menu > Preferences > Privacy

2023/08/29 13:04

Linux Notes

Some useful things to know in Linux.

DNS Privacy


public/free dns:
Recursive DNS Server Addresses and Features - Service based configuration:
Recommended: Malware Blocking, DNSSEC Validation (this is the most typical configuration)
Secured w/ECS: Malware blocking, DNSSEC Validation, ECS enabled
Unsecured: No Malware blocking, no DNSSEC validation (for experts only!)

Code Debugging

Note on using valgrind…

$ valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --log-file=valgrind.rpt \
	./my1asm85 ../my1asm85/asm/monitor85.asm

$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes -s \
	./my1asm85 ../my1asm85/asm/monitor85.asm

User Admin

To disable user login

# passwd -l username

To re-enable user login

# passwd -u username


To disable user login

# usermod -L -e 1 username

To re-enable user login

# usermod -U -e "" username

I prefer/use the first one.

Avahi/mDNS Stuff

List all hosts in *.local

$ avahi-browse -atr | grep hostname | sort -u

Terminal Display

To display extended ASCII (which is a non-standard), use Western-IBM850 encoding (instead of the currently common UTF-8). The extended ASCII is actually great in drawing boxes in text mode.

Manipulating PDF

To merge multiple PDFs (using pdftk):

pdftk $(ls *.pdf | sort) cat output ../output.pdf

Use xournal (or, maybe, xournalpp) to mark/sign - used export PDF to recreate PDF. If the created PDF is big (tends to be), import from LibreOffice Draw and re-export PDF.

Cleanup Stuff

Just found out about /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches kernel interface today. Need to look at this some time…

* clear page cache {flag:0x01}
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
* clear dentries and inodes {flag:0x02}
# echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
* can request simultaneously {flag:0x02|0x01}
# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 

Setup User Development Space (Isolated?)

Got this info from somewhere online - I just put it into a script.

Note: Create access to an IPad… requires ifuse and libimobiledevice-utils packages (tested on Devuan).

# setup_dev_env
# - got this info from internet, i just put it in a script
# - should source this file :p
[ -d "$1" ] && WORK_PATH=`cd $1;pwd`
echo "-- Setup environment in ${WORK_PATH}"
	[ -d "$1" ] && PATH="$1":$PATH && MAKE_PATH=1
add_path ${WORK_PATH}/bin
add_path ${WORK_PATH}/sbin
add_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/bin
add_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/sbin
[ $MAKE_PATH -eq 0 ] &&
	echo "** No binary path found!" && exit 1
export PATH
	if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
		[ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] &&
add_ldlib_path ${WORK_PATH}/lib
add_ldlib_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/lib
[ $MAKE_PATH -ne 0 ] && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
	if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
		[ -z "$CPATH" ] &&
			CPATH="$1" || CPATH="$1":$CPATH
add_c_path ${WORK_PATH}/include
add_c_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/include
[ $MAKE_PATH -ne 0 ] && export CPATH
	if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
		[ -z "$MANPATH" ] &&
add_man_path ${WORK_PATH}/share/man
add_man_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/share/man
[ $MAKE_PATH -ne 0 ] && export MANPATH
	if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
		[ -z "$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" ] &&
add_pkgcfg_path ${WORK_PATH}/lib/pkgconfig
add_pkgcfg_path ${WORK_PATH}/usr/lib/pkgconfig
[ $MAKE_PATH -ne 0 ] && export PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Support for RTL8723DE WiFi Module

I have Slackware 14.2 on my HP laptop, which has an RTL8723DE wifi module hardware. This module is still not supported in the mainstream kernel, but the driver is available at

  • get source, go extended
    $ git clone
    $ cd rtlwifi_new
    $ git checkout extended
  • to install (as root)
    $ make install
    $ modprobe rtl8723de
  • to uninstall module (e.g. for kernel update)
    $ rmmod rtl8723de
    $ make uninstall
  • to get better signal strength, create file '/etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723de.conf' with:
    options rtl8723de ant_sel=2

Update20200824 That repo is no longer available. Using rtw88 instead (module is now named rtw88_8723de). Just to note that the rtw88 code is now in mainline kernel starting 5.2

KVM Stuff

Somehow, /dev/kvm is missing?? So, just create this udev rule:

KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="vhost-net", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"


I mostly use sed / grep / cut for this. But I have found the need to use tr at times.

For example, to filter out non-ASCII characters

tr -cd '\000-\177'

Removing ldlinux.sys

When installing using extlinux, the file ldlinux.sys is created and cannot be removed even by root! The command chattr can be used to remove the flag that protects that particular file

# chattr -i ldlinux.sys

To check/confirm, run

# lsattr ldlinux.sys

After that, the file can be removed by root as usual.

GTK3 Stuff

Running my GUI code compiled with GTK3 on Artix causes a runtime warning message

dbind-WARNING **: 11:12:11.208: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

I found this simple fix somewhere in a forum - simply create an environment variable

export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1

To check screen dpi

$ xdpyinfo
$ xrdb -query

Optimize hard disk using hdparm

Note to self: CHECK THIS OUT! For example, on T23 laptop

$ hdparm -q -d1 -c3 -W1 -u1 -m 16 /dev/hda
$ hdparm -q -d1 -c3 -X66 /dev/hdc

Adding fonts in Linux

1. xorg.conf, "mkfontscale", "mkfontdir", "ttmkfdir" => old school, nobody needs them?
2. /etc/fonts/*, ~/.fonts.conf, fc-cache, fc-list => the way to go

To strip binary/library files

$ strip --strip-debug /lib/*
$ strip --strip-unneeded /{,s}bin/*

Create a patch file

$ diff -Naur [file1] [file2] > file.patch
  %%{{{@@ -X,Y +J,K @@}}}%% is a hunk where diff is
    X & J - starting line number
    Y & K - line counts

Script to create multiple users

[ ! -f "$USERLIST" ] &&
	echo "Cannot access user list '$USERLIST'! Abort!" && exit 1
# assume format is user:pass
for userpass in `cat $USERLIST` ; do
	user=`echo $userpass | sed 's/\([^:]\):.*/\1/'`
	pass=`echo $userpass | sed 's/.*:\(.*\)/\1/'`
	what=`echo $userpass | sed 's/^\(#\)[^#]*/\1/'`
	[ "$what" == "#" ] && continue
	what=`cat /etc/passwd | grep "$user"`
	[ "$what" != "" ] && continue
	echo "User:[$user],Pass:[$pass]"
	echo "${user}:${pass}::100:User Account:/home/${user}:/bin/bash"

NTP (System Date/Time)

By default, date/time are set manually: e.g. as root,


If ntpdate is not available (being deprecated?), use ntp daemon:

ntpd -gq

(May have to stop running ntp daemon)

For Slackware, a startup script for NTP daemon is available /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd, but do not forget to modify /etc/ntp.conf and uncomment (or add custom) NTP server information. To query, use

ntpq -p

To still use ntpdate while NTP daemon is running, use the -d switch,

ntpdate -d

Useful /proc Interface

To display active pertitions,

cat /proc/partitions

To display cpu information,

cat /proc/cpuinfo

To check for Intel-VT virtualization features,

grep --color vmx /proc/cpuinfo

To check for AMD-V virtualization features,

grep --color svm /proc/cpuinfo

Note: Some BIOS may disable this feature by default. Also, old Linux kernel may not support it either.

To display memory information,

cat /proc/meminfo

To check shared libraries used by a program

cat /proc/<proc_id>/maps

Playing with LDAP

I want to have LDAP-based central authentication for my two new Slackware machines used for my GMC project. Things to do:

  1. get LDAP server installed and running
    • Slackware only have openldap-client by default
    • I'm referring to here to do this
  2. figure out how to setup the client side
    • I may need nss_ldap only - will check into this later

SSH X Forwarding

On server, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

AllowTcpForwarding yes
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes

On client, edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config

ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes

To connect,

# allow remote access for display
ssh -Y user@host
export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
# then, run any x-program

Display Access Control

Only the user on the main console gets control of display protocol. If we do su, the root user cannot use any GUI.

To disable and enable access control

$ xhost +
$ xhost -

Find and set DISPLAY value accordingly

$ echo $DISPLAY
$ export DISPLAY=:0.0

Remote VNC (Remote Desktop)

This enables us to have GUI access on a remote machine. I use screen because I want to keep the running terminal 'alive'.

Use virtual terminal, run screen on the remote machine

$ screen -S VNC

Start VNC server on a display port

$ vncserver :23

Note ~/.vnc/xstartup will be executed

To stop the VNC server

$ vncserver -kill :23

Detach the virtual terminal by hitting <CTRL+A>-<D>. To resume the virtual terminal from any console

$ screen -r VNC

To tunnel through SSH, start an ssh session (with port forwarding [5900+DP] and going background)

ssh -L 5923:localhost:5923 -N -f user@remotehost

Connect as if the server is on localhost

vncviewer localhost:23

Note: Desktop response becomes too slow for me! Not using this…

Console Multi-Tasking

On Linux, multi-tasking is also available on console. To suspend a task, hit ctrl+z

To list all jobs duh!

$ jobs

To resume

$ fg %<num>

VirtualBox Stuffs

Rebuild VirtualBox kernel module

After a kernel upgrade… do a

# /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

Virtual Serial Port

We can actually use minicom to connect…

minicom -D unix\#/tmp/xxx

where /tmp/xxx is the host pipe 8-)

Convert Image to Disk

VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI <file.img> <file.vdi>

Compact Disk Image

VBoxManage modifymedium --compact <file.vdi>

Create Disk Image

VBoxManage createmedium disk --filename <file.vdi> --size <megabytes>

Video4Linux Stuffs

v4l2-ctl --list-devices
v4l2-ctl -d 0 --list-formats-ext
v4l2-ctl -d 0 --list-ctrls

v4l2-ctl --device=0 --set-ctrl=?

v4l2-ctl -d 0 --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=YUYV

Mounting FreeBSD Partition (Slice)

Note At the moment, only read-only access (no write permission)!

# mount -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/<partition> <mount-path>

Backing up dokuwiki pages on github
cd ${WIKIPAGE} && git add . && git add -u &&
	git commit -a -m "Content update `date +'%H:%M %d/%m/%Y %Z'`" &&
	git push origin master
# setup a cron job for hourly update:
# 0 * * * *

Linux kernel patch for CH341 USB2Serial

Tested this on Slackware 14.2.

Using patch found here, I modified it a bit for latest Linux kernel used in Slackware 14.2 (4.4.190)

To create this patch, I copied out ch341.c from kernel source to my user path. Make another copy as ch341_patched.c. Modify as required. Do,

$ diff -u ch341.c ch341_patched.c > linux_4.4.190_ch341.patch

I do not know if this last step is needed, but I modified the patch so that the first two lines have the same file name.

--- ch341.c	2019-10-24 15:02:10.039646991 +0800
+++ ch341.c	2019-10-24 15:06:14.244416258 +0800
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
 	struct ch341_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);
 	unsigned baud_rate;
 	unsigned long flags;
+	unsigned int par_flags;
 	baud_rate = tty_get_baud_rate(tty);
@@ -371,6 +372,30 @@
 	 * (cflag & PARENB) : parity {NONE, EVEN, ODD}
 	 * (cflag & CSTOPB) : stop bits [1, 2]
+	/* CH340 doesn't appear to support variable stop bits or data bits */
+	if (C_PARENB(tty)) {
+		if (C_PARODD(tty)) {
+			if (tty->termios.c_cflag & CMSPAR) {
+				dev_dbg(&port->dev, "parity = mark\n");
+				par_flags = 0xeb;
+			} else {
+				dev_dbg(&port->dev, "parity = odd\n");
+				par_flags = 0xcb;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (tty->termios.c_cflag & CMSPAR) {
+				dev_dbg(&port->dev, "parity = space\n");
+				par_flags = 0xfb;
+			} else {
+				dev_dbg(&port->dev, "parity = even\n");
+				par_flags = 0xdb;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		dev_dbg(&port->dev, "parity = none\n");
+	par_flags = 0xc3;
+	}
+	ch341_control_out(port->serial->dev, 0x9a, 0x2518, par_flags);
 	spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
 	if (C_BAUD(tty) == B0)

Steps (as root) in terminal:

  1. get to location
    $ cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial
  2. patch ch341.c
    $ patch < /path/to/linux_4.4.190_ch341.patch
    • path/to is the path where you save the above patch
  3. get to top kernel source path
    $ cd /usr/src/linux
  4. compile module
    $ make M=drivers/usb/serial modules
  5. (OPTIONAL) remove previously loaded module
    $ rmmod ch341
  6. 'install' the module
    $ cp drivers/usb/serial/ch341.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/
2023/08/29 13:04

Devuan Installation

My Devuan installation notes.

Latest Devuan Installation


Using Devuan Chimaera DVD ISO (dd onto USB) → UEFI boot!

Note: If using netinstall or CD1 some firmware may not be available - which is a problem if using WiFi module.

The must-haves for MY Devuan installation:

  • install build-essential (development tools)
  • install linux-headers-amd64 (to compile kernel modules)
  • install geany, git, gitk (coding stuffs)
  • install libnss-mdns & avahi-daemon (system management) INSTALLED BY DEFAULT
  • install curl (some of my scripts needs that…)

The stuffs I currently need:

  • install cryptsetup (encrypted partitions)
  • install xfig (i need xfig2dev)

Note: these are required to compile Linux kernel: libncurses5-dev build-essential libssl-dev libelf-dev git bison flex (need to check if these are already installed by the above selection, e.g. build-essential and git are covered)

work in progress…?

Last XFCE Installation

  • using default xfce desktop
    • this is my primary choice, but I have installed cinnamon on other machines
  • replace wicd with network-manager
    • # apt install network-manager network-manager-gnome
    • network-manager-gnome provides nm-applet (not needed if using nmcli)
    • # apt purge wicd wicd-gtk
    • # apt autoremove

Minimal Desktop Installation

I want a basic installation with dwm.

  • install base (use netinstall iso… or, maybe use debootstrap?)
  • install my usual stuffs
    # apt install build-essential linux-headers-amd64 vim git curl
  • install xorg stuffs
    # apt install xorg libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev
  • install suckless stuffs
    # apt install stterm suckless-tools
  • install dwm from source
    • use my1ubuild script
  • looks good, but i need acpi stuffs
    # apt install acpid
    • for laptop, maybe add acpi-support
    • if need command-line utility, add acpi

work in progress…

Devuan upgrade (chimaera to daedalus)

Personal note - basically from

upgrade chimaera to daedalus (from
- update/upgrade chimaera
# apt update
# apt upgrade
- update apt sources.list
# sed -i 's/chimaera/daedalus/g'  /etc/apt/sources.list
- update pkg list from daedalus
# apt update
- kill screensaver (if running)
# killall xscreensaver
- upgrade/dist-upgrade
# apt upgrade
# apt dist-upgrade
- in case of failures, fix and rerun
# apt -f install
# apt dist-upgrade
- cleanup
# apt autoremove --purge
# apt autoclean
deb daedalus main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-security main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
deb daedalus-updates main non-free-firmware non-free contrib
#deb-src daedalus main 
#deb-src daedalus-security main
#deb-src daedalus-updates main

Install Using debootstrap

  • boot using my1live-devuan
  • need to install gisk debootstrap
    • optionally, install lvm2
  • run
    # apt install gisk debootstrap lvm2
  • prepare disk (/dev/sda) layout
    • 1 uefi partition (ef00)
    • 1 root partition (8300)
    • 1 home partition (8e00/8300)
    • 1 swap partition (8200)
  • run
    # gdisk /dev/sda
  • format/mount root partition
    # mkfs.ext4 -L MY1BOOT /dev/sda2
    # mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/disk
  • run debootstrap
    # debootstrap chimaera /mnt/disk
  • while debootstrap runs, format other partitions
    # mkdosfs -n MY1UEFI /dev/sda1
    # mkfs.ext4 -L MY1BOOT /dev/sda2
    # mkswap -L MY1SWAP /dev/sda4
  • will use lvm in this example
    # pvcreate /dev/sda3
    # vgcreate homevg /dev/sda3
    # lvcreate -l +100%FREE -n home0 homevg
    # mkfs.ext4 -L MY1HOME /dev/homevg/home0
  • mount efi/home partitions
    # mkdir -p /mnt/disk/boot/efi
    # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk/boot/efi
    # mount /dev/homevg/home0 /mnt/disk/home
  • chroot and install/setup
    # chroot /mnt/disk
    # apt update
    # apt install linux-image-amd64 build-essential linux-headers-amd64 vim git lvm2
    # apt install firmware-linux firmware-iwlwifi firmware-atheros firmware-realtek
    # apt install cinnamon-desktop-environment
  • update initramfs (add lvm support)
    # update-initramfs -u -k all
  • i prefer all-lowercase path names
    # vi /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults
  • setup locale
    # apt install locales
    # echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 >>/etc/locale.gen"
    # locale-gen
  • setup grub
    # apt install grub-efi-amd64
    # grub-install /dev/sda
    # update-grub
  • run efibootmgr to make sure
    # efibootmgr
  • edit fstab
    # vi /etc/fstab
  • setup root password
    # passwd
  • change hostname
    # vi /etc/hostname
  • reboot

Note: I got to Cinnamon Desktop and everything looks ok - BUT, I simply cannot run gnome-terminal! Well, I can if i run dbus-update-activation-environment first. So, I missed something coz when I reinstalled using the full dvd, everything works fine.

work in progress…

Devuan Setups

These depends on my need when using that particular machine.

  • using virtualbox from oracle (just like my slackware setup)
  • using texlive (install using tlmgr)
    • alternatively, install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-science
  • install freecad kicad openscad (project stuffs)
  • install ntp ntpdate (system management)


  • getting OpenGL stuffs (glut): # apt install freeglut3-dev
  • getting sqlite stuffs: # apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
  • getting glade (will also get gtk library): # apt install glade
  • getting wxwidgets stuffs: # apt install lib-wxgtk3.0dev
  • getting my1imgpro stuffs: # apt install libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
  • to compile sdcc: # apt install bison flex libboost-dev texinfo

note: Setting up mingw-w64 cross-compiler

Web Server

  • Install webserver
    • # apt install apache2
    • default path for web is /var/www/html
    • edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
      • add ServerName (remove annoying startup message!)
      • my my1apisrv code need these for www dir config
        	Options FollowSymLinks
        	AllowOverride All
        	Require all granted
  • Install php
    • # apt install php php-cgi libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-sqlite3
    • edit /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini to enable pdo support
  • Create required links in mods-enabled and conf-enabled
    • my my1apisrv code need rewrite
    • both folders are in /etc/apache2
  • Install database
    • # apt install mariadb-server
  • If running dokuwiki
    • # apt install php-xml
  • My API client php code needs this
    • # apt install php-curl

Multi-Arch (a.k.a. Multi-Lib)

To run 32-bit binary:

  • Enable multi-arch: # dpkg –add-architecture i386
  • Update package list: # apt update
  • Most probably need libc: # apt install libc6:i386
  • Install required libraries: (<package>:i386)

To build 32-bit binary:

  • Install compiler(s): # apt install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
    • Notice that these are 64-bit packages (no :i386 suffix) → cross compilers!
  • Use -m32 gcc option to compile!


To play steam games:

  • enable multi-arch
  • install steam: # apt install steam (binary in /usr/games/steam)

NFS setup

Dumping this as it is for now:

  • client
    • install
      # apt install nfs-common
    • mount
      # mount -t nfs <host>:/path <mount-point>
  • server
    • install
      # apt install nfs-kernel-server
    • [optional]
      # mount --bind /path/to/share /mount/point
    • edit /etc/exports
    • start
      service nfs-kernel-server start


My iso2boot script need isohybrid from syslinux/isolinux project:

  • # apt install syslinux-utils

Use Tips

Some are applicable to any APT-based distro.

Note for APT-based distro: To remove translations, create file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99translation and insert Acquire::Languages { “none”; };.

Note: look into unattended-upgrades (simply apt install and run dpkg-reconfigure –priority=low unattended-upgrades???)

List Installed Packages

Using apt tool:

apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | grep installed

Note that apt will issue a warning when piping its output in shell. Hence, the need to redirect stderr to /dev/null. We can further grep away the packages that were automatically installed.

Using the basic dpkg tool:

dpkg --get-selections | sed -n 's/^\([^\t]*\)\t.*$/\1/ p'

This version, however, only provides package name. To extract similar output from apt (assuming output was redirected into a file called temp.txt), run

cat temp.txt | sed -n 's|^\(.*\)/.*$|\1| p'

Adding More Repo

Get proper signature key from that source (*.asc file) and add to system using apt-key.

# cat <key-file.asc> | apt-key add - 

Create a listing file for source URL in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.

# echo "deb [arch=?] <new-repo-url> <version> main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/new-repo.list

After doing an apt update, should be able to apt install <pkg>

Reconfigure Package

Basically, run a dpkg-reconfigure <pkg>

e.g. To change timezone

# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Upgrading APT-based systems

To do an upgrade:

  • Modify /etc/apt/sources.list and replace the release codenames
    # sed -i 's/old_release/new_release/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
    • skip -i option for a dry-run
  • Update package list
    # apt update
  • Upgrade distribution
    # apt dist-upgrade
  • To make sure EVERYTHING is upgraded (avoids old packages held back)
    • # apt full-upgrade
  • Do house cleaning
    # apt autoremove
    # apt clean

That should do it!

Search package for specific binary

  • There is a specific tool for that
    # apt install apt-file
  • Update the package/file mapping database
    # apt-file update
  • Search for “top”
    # apt-file search --regexp '/top$'

Avoiding marking package as manually installed

  • Use dry-run (simulation) option -s
    # apt install -s <pg1> ... <pkgN> 2>/dev/null|grep manually
  • Removed the package(s) displayed from your install list and re-run without -s

GRUB Stuffs

To prevent GRUB from looking for other OS every time it is updated:

  • edit /etc/default/grub and insert
  • run update-grub

To add a custom entry:

  • add a menuentry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom
  • uses the same menuentry format as in /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    • e.g. to boot my Slackware partition I can insert
      menuentry 'Slackware' --class slackware --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'my1part-<uuid>' {
      	insmod part_gpt
      	insmod ext2
      	set root='hd0,gpt4'
      	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
      	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,gpt4 --hint-efi=hd0,gpt4 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,gpt4  <uuid>
      	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 4d95a526-2518-4fd6-a904-f7bd2729145d
      	linux /boot/vmlinuz-huge-4.4.240 root=/dev/sda4
    • use initrd (after linux line) to specify an initrd/initramfs
    • of course, <uuid> should be a valid filesystem uuid
  • run update-grub

KVM Stuffs

If KVM group is missing, simply create one…

# [ -z "$(cat /etc/group|grep kvm)" ] && addgroup --gid 125 kvm


Issues… and maybe fixes (if any).

Image Magick's convert error

I found an error when using image magick's convert to create EPS from fig that provides this message:

convert-im6.q16: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `EPS' @error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/421


  • (as root) edit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
  • modify following line (change none → read|write)
    <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />

GRUB Prompt

In some cases, after an installation is complete, the system boots to a GRUB prompt. The issue may be caused by a different disk assignment during installation. Things is not so bad since GRUB prompt is very shell-like (e.g. double-tab for completion):

To list available disks:

> ls 

To list content of first partition on the first disk (/dev/sda1) that is using GPT:

> ls (hd0,gpt1) 

So, to boot an installation on second partition instead:

> linux (hd0,gpt2)/boot/vmlinuz<...>
> initrd (hd0,gpt2)/boot/initrd.img<...>
> boot

BCM Wireless


# lspci -nn | grep BCM
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Limited BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)

Install: broadcom-sta-dkms, firmware-linux, firmware-b43-installer (b43-fwcutter)

*note*: only solves the Wireless Driver part… NOT the bluetooth hardware!

# lsusb | grep BCM
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0a5c:216d Broadcom Corp. BCM43142A0 Bluetooth 4.0
# dmesg | grep blue
[    8.850007] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd (-2)
[    8.850197] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd failed with error -2

So, download BCM43142A0-0a5c-21d6.hcd in here and place it /lib/firmware/brcm/ (create that path if it does not exist).

XFCE Desktop

  • tapping on my laptop touchpad is NOT working
    • moving around & button clicks are working
    • need to create file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-touchpad.conf
      Section "InputClass"
              Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
              MatchIsTouchpad "on"
              MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
              Driver "libinput"
              Option "Tapping" "on"
  • lid event does not trigger suspend (but manual suspend works)
    • this is a systemd-related aftermath: xfce power manager allows/assumes login to handle lid
    • fix:
      $ xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/logind-handle-lid-switch -s false
  • issues when logging out/shutdown
    • may be caused by intel graphics library? i915?
    • can install lightdm - but shutdown/restart always gets login page (=logout)
  • wicd feature is an issue for system with multiple users
    • shared wifi password, no option to make private

Cinnamon DE

  • login page (lightdm?) - cannot shutdown/reboot! read here
    • found a fix here
    • i just needed to edit /etc/pam.d/lightdm-greeter and changed to (but, may cause issues with suspend/hibernate?)
  • laptop battery quickly drain below 30 percent
    • setup higher critical value for power management
      gsettings list-keys org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.power
      gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.power use-time-for-policy false
      gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.power percentage-low 30
      gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.power percentage-critical 25
      gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.power percentage-action 23
    • or use dconf-editor


Youtube videos keep resetting the volume settings to 100%! The culprit is flat-volumes. Modify /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and set flat-volumes=no.

(Re)-Compiling Syslinux

I need to recompile syslinux - just to remind myself, other than the usual development packages (build-essential, etc), I also need nasm and upx-ucl.

apt install nasm and upx-ucl

Unwanted Background Program

I found this in my old notes… I somehow found an autostart program geoclue-demo-agent.desktop, which I obviously do not need. So, simply remove that from autostart path

# rm /etc/xdg/autostart/geoclue-demo-agent.desktop

Sound muted on startup on my HP laptop

trying two options found… so far, not successful? keeping this here for reference.

  1. option 1:
    • install alsa-utils
    • make sure sound is not muted and set to desired volume level
    • run (as root) alsactl store
  2. option 2:
    • edit (as root) /etc/pulse/
      • can also copy this to home folder ??? for 1-user solution…
    • comment out 'load-module module-device-restore'

General Issues

  • wifi firmware missing after first restart
    • manually install firmware-ralink
  • network manager cannot connect using wifi
    • edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
    • add

Using Wine on Devuan

Setup Wine (as root):

  • enable multiarch
  • install wine and winetricks
    # apt install wine wine32 winetricks

Configure Wine (as user):

  • if required, remove previous settings
    $ rm -rf $HOME/.wine
  • config for win32
    $ WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
  • setup nice fonts
    $ winetricks corefonts

Note: Install fuseiso to enable mounting ISO as user

Game: Red Alert 2

Setup Installer ISO:

  • create link to ISO as CDROM device
    $ ln -sf /path/to/install.iso $HOME/.wine/dosdevices/d::
  • mount ISO
    $ fuseiso mount  /path/to/install.iso $HOME/.wine/drive_d
  • create link to mount path as CDROM drive
    $ ln -sf $HOME/.wine/drive_d $HOME/.wine/dosdevices/d:

Run installer

  • $ wine D:\\Setup.exe


Application: LTSpice

  • download windows version from ltspice website and run
    $ wine /download/path/LTspiceXVII.exe

Devuan on Raspberry Pi

Check out here.



  • boots ok (default hostname=bcm2711)
  • login (root:toor)
  • setup
    # run-setup
  • change hostname (edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts)
  • reboot
  • remove default user
    # userdel -r devuan
  • most development stuffs i want are preinstalled! yay!
  • install vim
    # apt install vim
  • remove nano
    # apt remove nano
    • also
      # rm .nanorc
  • install xorg stuffs
    # apt install xorg libx11-dev libxft-dev libxinerama-dev
  • install suckless stuffs
    # apt install stterm suckless-tools
  • create user and login as that user
  • get my1shell and my1ubuild
    # git clone
    # git clone
  • install dwm from source
  • install browser & font
    # apt install surf fonts-liberation2

work in progress… 2 issues: {surf cannot validate cert}{reboot hangs}

Note: Will simply use Raspberry Pi OS for now…

2023/08/29 12:54