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Slackware Notes Archive

Slackware installation and setup has improved tremendously over the years since I first use it circa 2006 (Slackware 11 @ current at that time). Most of the notes I have are no longer needed, so I have decided to move them here for personal archive.

Nice to have(s)

For my personal reference…

Sample Installation

Installing Slackware 14.1 on my HP EliteDesk 800 G1 Tower machine @workplace.

  1. fresh and full install
    • well, actually without software from e, f, kdei and y (personal taste)
    • as usual, no problems during installation… reboot
  2. rebooted to runlevel 3 without any problems
    • login using root and created main user account
    • if using lilo
      • modify /etc/lilo.conf (reduced timeout, lba32, extra boot option for resume)
      • rerun lilo
    • modified /etc/inittab to init @ runlevel 4
    • added echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict to rc.local
  3. rebooted to runlevel 4 without any problems
    • login using user account and made customizations as desired

System Setup

  1. recompile kernel (customized)
    • initrd not needed (if we need a particular driver, compile into custom kernel)
    • for my AMD64 desktop machine with 3GB RAM, i just use the huge-smp kernel and be done with!
  2. reconfigure lilo to boot newly compiled kernel
    • keep huge-smp kernel in the list for safe-mode boot
    • skip this if you're NOT recompiling the kernel
  3. modify xorg.conf as needed
    • run xorgconfig if needed (else just edit or copy old conf)
    • install binary graphics driver if needed (e.g. nvidia)
    • scrolling usb mouse sometimes needs to be configured manually?
    • the new Slackware 13 (with KDE4) seems to NOT need this anymore
      • unless maybe if you want to install something like nvidia driver
  4. add user accounts
    • use adduser (hit arrow up key for additional group)
    • groups: users floppy dialout audio video cdrom plugdev power netdev
    • make separate accounts for archiving (without $HOME)
  5. configure alsa
    • no sound by default: use [alsaconf (if needed), alsamixer, alsactl store] combo
    • seems like not needed in slack 13.0 anymore
  6. configure ssh remote login
    • set PermitRootLogin no in sshd.config
    • or, just simply disable rc.sshd if you don't need it
  7. give user home folder more privacy
    • chmod 700 /home/*… or maybe chmod 711? this is a matter of choice
  8. modify Xserver settings?
    • add --nolisten tcp to default settings
    • never done this.. so, no comment on this
  9. consider lvm?
    • never done this.. so, no comment on this
  10. setleds & ntpdate in rc.local?
    • never done this.. so, no comment on this

System Security

Hardly needed these… maybe if we need to be that paranoid? 8-o

  1. edit the hosts* files to control access
    • deny access to all hosts by default - edit /etc/hosts.deny
      ALL: ALL
    • back-up defense - edit /etc/hosts.allow
      ALL: ALL: DENY
    • or, punch a hole for certain secured services for ALL hosts - edit /etc/hosts.allow
      sshd: ALL: ALLOW
  2. having a basic firewall is handy:
    • create an rc.firewall script:
      # default policies - drop everything!
      iptables -P INPUT DROP
      iptables -P FORWARD DROP
      # added (-A) policies for INPUT:
      # say ok to previously established connections
      # and always allow loopback interface and ssh connections
      iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A INPUT -s -d -i lo -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
  3. disable unused services
    • unset the executable bit of the respective startup scripts in /etc/rc.d
  4. checkout /etc/ssh/sshd_config and configure things like disabling PermitRootLogin
  5. minimize suid programs:
    • look for them find / -perm +4000 2>/dev/null
  6. edit /etc/securetty - control root login devices
  7. for the extra security - set a umask of 077!

ACPI: ASUS eeepc X101H

Dumped here for now… will prettify this :p

* all special fn-keys will trigger acpi event group PNP0C14:00 action 000000d2
# fn-f1 => sleep button
  - group: button
  - action: sleep
  - *note* triggers 2 events SBTN and PNP0C0E:00 (sleep/wakeup?)
  - *note* this does not trigger PNP0C14:00 event!
# fn-f2 => toggle wireless (rfkill?)
  - group: button
  - action: wlan
# fn-f3 => toggle touchpad
  - *note* only triggers PNP0C14:00 event
# fn-f4 => ??? full screen resolution ???
  - *note* only triggers PNP0C14:00 event
# fn-f5 => decrease brightness
  - group: video
  - action: brightnessdown
# fn-f6 => increase brightness
  - group: video
  - action: brightnessup
# fn-f7 => display off
  - *note* only triggers PNP0C14:00 event
# fn-f8 => switch display
  - group: video
  - action: switchmode
# fn-f9 => task manager
  - group: button
  - action: prog1
# fn-f10 => toggle mute volume
  - group: button
  - action: mute
# fn-f11 => decrease volume
  - group: button
  - action: volumedown
# fn-f12 => increase volume
  - group: button
  - action: volumeup
# fn-<space> => super hybrid engine
  - *note* only triggers PNP0C14:00 event
asus hotkey (action ASUS010:00)
00000039 - (sb) super hybrid engine
00000038 - (f4) full screen?
00000037 - (f3) enable/disable touchpad
00000030 - (f8) switch display (acpi compatible)
00000023 - (f6) brightness up
00000022 - (f5) brightness down
00000016 - (f7) display off (acpi compatible)
00000015 - (f12) vol up
00000014 - (f11) vol down
00000013 - (f10) mute
00000012 - (f9) prog1 (acpi compatible)
00000010 - (f2) wlan

Sharing Maxis Broadband on Wireless ADSL Router

I have a USB device for wireless broadband connection for 3G/HSDPA network. I wanted to share it using my existing wireless ADSL router. I have a Slackware 12.2 machine with a free eth0 device (since using USB to go on the internet). Here's what I did:

That's about it. Now both my wife and I can go online at the same time :p

Note: This can also be set for a basic wireless AP. In fact, it's much simpler.

DVD+R Burning on Slackware 13.0

I've been having problems burning DVD+Rs on Linux (Slackware 13.0). Apparently, the dvd+rw-tools has a certain bug that makes the DVD+R not properly finalized. So, just download the code snippet mentioned on that page which is actually a Csource file (''[[

$(ls -l dvd-image.iso | awk '{ print $5 }') / 2048