Table of Contents

About Azman

“One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts.” - Albert Einstein

Curriculum Vitae: Basic Resume, Google Scholar Profile

Code repository: Main, OLD, MY1

Feature: my1sim85 (releases), my1digitaljs (try online), Mini-blog

Academic Courses: NMK206 - Computer Architecture, NMK322 - Microcontroller, PGT444 - B.Eng.Tech. Project (FYP @FTKE)

Archived Academic Courses:PGT302 - Embedded Software Technology, PGT104 - Digital Electronics, PGT206 - Computer Architecture, PGT200 - Operating Systems, EKT322 - Embedded System Design, EKT222 - Microprocessor Systems, EKT422 - Computer Architecture, EMT251 - Introduction to IC Design, EKT444 - Final Year Project @SCCE

Useful Note(s): Linux, FreeBSD, Raspberry Pi, Git

Academic Schedule

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” - Albert Einstein

Last Updated: 202403172228

0800 - 0900 0900 - 1000 1000 - 1100 1100 - 1200 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400 - 1500 1500 - 1600 1600 - 1700 1700 - 1800 1800 - 1900
TUE NMK206Lab (007) NMK322Lab (007b)
WED NMK206Lab (008)*

Note: '*' denotes 30 minutes time shift, '%' denotes 30 minutes time delay (starting only for 1½h session)

Note: {NMK206Lab:007@FKTEN1-AdvancedCom}

Here is something I wrote intended for new students

Another something I wrote on education/training (based on stuffs I found online)

Latest Mini-blog Post

“Intelligence is not the ability to store information, but to know where to find it.” - Albert Einstein

Read all posts

MY1 C Compiler

Guess what I have been doing for the last month? I call it my1cc (duh!)… and I have published my initial work at Obviously it is wayyyyy from being usable, but the parser seems to work… somewhat. In the end, I was hoping to develop a usable C compiler for 8051/8085 platforms, so that I can use it in my microcontroller/microprocessor classes. I do have to pause a bit… hopefully I can resume A.S.A.P.

But, DO NOT hold your breath for that :-D

That is all I have to say about that.

2024/06/30 16:55 · azman

SPM-Level Computer Science

It turns out, Computer Science (CS) for SPM (Malaysia Certificate of Education @MCE) deals mainly with database and web interface. I have developed database-related systems before, but I was doing it without having formal class on it. Basically, I simply wing-it based on what I know on how computers store data (i.e. C data types).

I need to help my son with some questions, so I looked up 'database normalization' and found some things. The good thing is the way I implemented my database is mainly the 'correct' way. The not-so-good thing is that I am NOT able to help my son much with the practice questions - simply too many terms that I am not familiar with. Just shows that implementations need not be theoretically developed - experience (and good fundamentals) can also help to produce relatively sufficient results.

Anyways, the main reason I am writing this here is to 'store' the following 'note' (for my personal future reference).

Database Normalization
Five 'rules' to make data normal: 1NF,2NF,...,5NF (NF=normal form)
- each rule builds on another, starting from 1NF
- 1NF/2NF/3NF -> Core Basics (normalization usually means 3NF!)
- 4NF/5NF -> Exceptions
*Note: Normalization is about grouping & connecting data the right way!
1NF is about
- atomic values
- unique identifiers
*Term: Imagine a spreadsheet -> [table] or [entity]
1NF rules
- a cell cannot contain more than 1 value
  = if it does, that column needs to be split into multiple columns
- each row (@record) must be unique
  = look for potential primary key
  = usually, we use system-generated (integers are better!)
- each column name must be unique
- there must be no repeating groups (or cells?)
  = it there are, remove and create new table (1NF!)
2NF rule
- all data/column(s) must depend on the primary key
  = if it does not, must be split into it own table (1NF!)
  = use primary key in new table as column value -> foreign key
3NF rule
- primary key must define all non-key column(s)
  = non-key column(s) must not depend on any other key
  = if this is not met, must create new table and use foreign key to link
2023/12/30 12:35 · azman

Why engineering students should not use Arduino

I am one of those tertiary educators in engineering (E&E) who is against the idea of Electronics Engineering students using Arduino for their bachelor degree project. This is a great example why that is the case. I know that is about software, but still the same principle.

When your system depends on other people's work (i.e. you use library/libraries most of the time in Arduino), there is always a possibility it cannot be maintained in the future. And, for engineering students, the most important thing for you is to be competent at creating that 'building block' (@fundamental code/design) on your own… so that even if you do not need to write/develop any, your can still fix it when something no longer works.

That is all I have got to say about that… for now 8-)

2023/12/06 07:05 · azman

Academic Advisees

“Student is not a container you have to fill, but a torch you have to light up.” - Albert Einstein

Students who are very (un)fortunate to have me as their academic advisor.

Updated: 20231230

HELAZIA ANAK SAPERI 231371750 UR6523007
LEONG HAO JIE 231371752 UR6523007
ERIC DOMINIC 231373097 UR6523007

Points to Ponder

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” - Albert Einstein

I have been thinking about creating an ideal (from my point of view) bachelor program for Electronics Engineering Curriculum.

I found this post in my old Google Currents (was initially known as Google+):

20130620094302 Dear fellow educators… let us remember that we actually need to educate, not to teach the students how to answer questions. The students' grades are THEIR performance indicators. The tests and examinations are to evaluate the students and NOT the educators.

Here is another one:

20130911102906 There are many small scale microprocessor/microcontroller boards these days that offer 'simple' development environment setup/usage. To top that up, a whole library of interface codes for many commonly used devices are also provided. If you're into developing small-scale hobby projects or prototyping simple systems, this is a GREAT thing. But, if you're from computer/electronics engineering background and working in an academic institution, you're expected to know how to DEVELOP that board - not just use it. Think of what your students can learn if you strive to develop your own development board!

Bloom's Learning Taxonomy

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” - Albert Einstein

My personal view on this.

Note My main reference regarding this is the Wikipedia page, and this other site.

What It Is

The original learning taxonomy by Benjamin Bloom (1956) have identified three learning domains: Cognitive (mental skills @ knowledge), Affective (growth in feelings or emotional areas @ attitude) and Psychomotor (manual or physical skills @ skills). Bloom (and his committee) elaborated only on the first domain, with the second one defined by another group that also include Bloom (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973). The definition of the third domain, however, was not directly linked to Bloom. Instead it has been discussed in 3 popular versions: Simpson (1972), Dave's (1975) and Harrow's (1972).

Note: Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, revisited the cognitive domain in the learning taxonomy in the mid-nineties and made some changes, with perhaps the two most prominent ones being, 1) changing the names in the six categories from noun to verb forms, and 2) slightly rearranging them (Pohl, 2000). The name changes has been included below after the original names and in bold italic. The 'create' and 'evaluate' categories have been swapped and this is thought to be a more accurate hierarchy.

In the latest development, I can see the rationale of Anderson's arrangements where synthesis (create) is placed highest in the hierarchy. However, I think Bloom's decision to place it where it were (below evaluation) is simply based on a different point of view.The way he sees it, you cannot possibly make an evaluation if you cannot produce (synthesis) something of your own - i.e. going through the experience. So, in that sense, the original Bloom's Taxonomy was, I think, spot-on. Then again, nowadays a lot of people claim themselves to be expert (making critical reviews of other people's work) when they themselves have never actually had the experience! Go watch Ratatouille and you'll understand what I mean.

So, bottom line? Personally, I think synthesis should be considered at a higher level so as to remind others that the people who do evaluation needs to actually gain that level (synthesis) before they can evaluate synthesized work! So, in a way, that's also saying evaluation is higher than synthesis. Therefore, I would place them at the same level and only those who are excellent in respective fields can acquire this level. We should not expect EVERYONE to attain them.

Note: Just a thought - looking at Einstein's quote, notice that the point is to understand! So, in my opinion, Bloom's level 2 is good enough for general education objective. The higher levels are relatively 'expert' levels that should not be imposed on everybody. Of course, this assumes the evaluation is done correctly (because the way things are done, even the so-called cognitive-level-6 evaluation is based on things that can be memorized).

Cognitive Domain

No matter what others say, I think this is the only domain that directly affects the learning process. This is where it all begins, and this is where it grows. So, I personally think this domain is still very much important and needs to be emphasized especially in technical education where most people thinks the psychomotor domain should be given 'equal' attention, along with affective domain. This really depends on how they define these two domains. I think Bloom was right not to define the two 'support' (at least from my point of view) domains. Although I don't deny the importance of affective domain in ensuring proper transfer of knowledge, I really think this domain boils down to ONE thing: how interested (or, maybe how motivated - but this can be discussed elsewhere) are the learners in obtaining the knowledge. And how high (or from another point of view, how deep) are they interested in going? (i.e. just want to know, capable of explaining to others, capable of improvising, etc.) On the other hand, psychomotor is really just how well our physical self can implement the knowledge. To me, all the 'advanced' levels in psychomotor are obtained through integration with the cognitive domain. (Maybe I should write a whole paragraph on this… later).

The six levels as described in wikipedia:

Affective Domain

From my personal point of view - when it comes to learning, as I've already mentioned earlier, this domain actually displays interest level of the student. If a student is only in the class because he/she HAS to, they will only (at most) listen or receive what is being taught. They will not inquire more than what is being given.

Note: maybe I can elaborate more later???

The five levels in this domain as described in wikipedia:

Psychomotor Domain

This domain is actually the 'physical' side of things. When this taxonomy was created, the examples given were the manipulation of tools and instruments (e.g. hand, hammer). So, translating that to the current scenario, that includes using computers - typing, using mouse/pointers, etc.

Rightfully so, Bloom and his colleagues never created subcategories for skills in the psychomotor domain. However, since then, other educators have created their own psychomotor taxonomies.

Outcome-Based Education

The buzz word of academic world in current years, the OBE method suggests that we should concentrate on the students' ability to perform (the outcome). This has sometimes been misinterpreted as saying that the 'previous' method does not have any objective and we actually have one when using this method. Well, the 'previous' method also have its objectives - I do not think there is anybody who wants to implement something without ANY predetermined objective. It should be looked from a different perspective.

The academic world has traditionally relied on timed written examinations as the main evaluation method. As we all know, some people do things slowly and some cannot work at all under pressure (time limits!) - but this does not mean that they cannot do the work. So, this is saying that we should acknowledge if a student can actually perform the same tasks amid being slower or requiring a more peaceful environment. In other words, we should be evaluating the students ability to actually perform a task (an outcome), rather than their ability to memorize.

Bottom line, I would say that in OBE, we should be looking for a suitable evaluation method for each outcome (usually an ability) rather than discussing things like course work marks contributions, or what cognitive level should a question be assigned to, or even how much time should be spent on tutorials. Then, the evaluation should REALLY reflect the students ability (the outcome) and there should not be a case where a student can get an F in circuit theory when he/she can actually perform impedance matching, or a student who get an A for C programming, but has never written a complete program in C.

SMART Objectives

Note: I wrote this a while back, just thought I should share it here. The current 'official' page for this is here.

Having to go through OBE exercises, I came across this term - which really interests me. It's an acronym that can be used as a guide when trying to set objectives or goals. They can be project objectives, company objectives, or (in my case) course objectives.

So, SMART objectives are:

Some also use Realistic for R - but I think it's redundant with achievable (from terminology point of view). Also, you can make it SMARTER if you can:

I have also just come across this. So, this guy is proposing DUMB objectives instead.

Some may put it differently (Doable, Understandable, Manageable & Beneficial), but I think that's just trying to be as SMART.

Just think about it - you may show that you seem to have done a lot with SMART objectives, but can you really be outstanding without DUMB (the dreamy one… 8-)) objectives?

Other Interest

Things I'm checking out… 8-)

Existing Boards (for comparison):


Check Out These Boards?:

Interesting Links:

Information on various open source license(s) at OSI website.

I'm inclined towards the MIT license and the Simplified (2-clause) BSD license. Read more @ wikipedia


Training Courses: Introduction to Verilog and ModelSim, Using Raspberry Pi as Data Server for Embedded Systems

Useful Notes: 8051 Codes, Raspberry Pi Stuff, Xilinx, Xilinx Spartan-3 VSK Barebone, Altera, FreeBSD, Linux (Slackware| Devuan), Android App Development, Git (SCM) Stuff, Vim Stuff, Sed Stuff, Database Stuff, Screen Stuff, Qemu Stuff, LibreOffice Stuff, MathPublish(Dokuwiki) Stuff, Cross Compiler Stuff, Samba AD Domain Controller, Cisco Stuff, Android Stuff, VirtualBox Stuff, Python CV Stuff, Testing Stuff, Scripting Stuff, Htaccess Stuff, Random Stuff, Sync Google Drive on Linux

Basic Intro Stuff: Basic Programming in C, Introduction to Programming in Python, Basic Javascript Programming, Basic System Design

Archive: Nokia 3310 LCD, Pioneer-3 Robot SDK Basics, Window$ Stuff, Linux on Android

Note on Development Platform

I have decided to use Linux exclusively for my project development work. Which Linux distribution should I use? Let's ask Einstein…

Einstein's view on his choice of OS

Note #1: I got this image from a link in an LQ forum thread. Please inform me if I should NOT use this image (from legal point of view).

Note #2: I would also like to clarify that you do NOT have to be be Einstein to run Slackware. But, you DO need to know how to read (instructions) and write (specifically, type some stuffs on a computer).

All development work will be done on Linux-based systems - Slackware is recommended and is what I use (Devuan is also a good subsitute and what I install for my family), but I'll also try to accommodate people working on other platforms.

Mini Info-pedia

This is a personal information center meant to help explain some of the terms that I use - from my point of view.

Development Board

A development board is meant to help system developers to learn the inner workings, interfaces and features of a certain processor. Thus, it usually contains minimal components that are required to start up a system based on that certain processor. However, many development boards are currently equipped with features comparable to that of a desktop computer's motherboard. This allows them to be used in virtually any test scenarios due to the fact that they provide basic input and output interfaces that are easily available off-the-shelf.

Many will be more familiar with microprocessor development board instead, but since we have other processing units such as Digital Signal Processors (DSP) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) that are also available on boards with similar functions, it would be more appropriate to generalize the term.

With the ever-increasing features of development boards, many scientific research have started to use them as a system platform.

All that been said, development boards are typically intended for prototyping and not usually used in an end product.

Read more @ wikipedia

Embedded System

An embedded system is a combination of hardware and software (sometimes the term firmware is used as well) components that is usually meant to be part of a larger system (thus the word embedded). However, it is technically a standalone system (one that works without any external support) and is primarily designed for a specific purpose (i.e. with predefined tasks and dedicated functions). With this in mind, an embedded system requires minimal user input (minimal user interface, not re-programmable by end-users) and provides only the expected output depending on its application.

Since an embedded system only needs to do a specific task, it can most of the time respond to real-time events (system input). The occurrence of these 'real-time' events can even be predicted due to the fact that a predefined task usually have a known set of inputs. Based on this scenario, an embedded system does not (most of the time) require a state-of-the-art central processing unit (CPU) to operate. Consequently, the preferred CPU for an embedded system is a microcontroller, which is basically a microprocessor that emphasizes self-sufficiency (e.g. on-chip memory, minimal glue logic) and therefore offers a cost effective solution.

Current implementations of embedded systems are made programmable so that the main system developers can easily make appropriate upgrades or modifications. This enables modern embedded systems to have more features (upgradable at any time) at a lower cost (none or minimal hardware changes).

Read more @ wikipedia

Computer Vision

Research work related to vision comprises many different field of studies - each of which have different point of view on how it can be achieved and what feature should be emphasized. Therefore there a few variations to the name of this particular field of study - but they all actually try to achieve the same thing. It is mainly referred to as computer vision in the field of computer science, while the term machine vision (or robot vision) is more popular in the engineering discipline. Another familiar name would be computational vision, where interdisciplinary researchers get together to understand biological vision and create a system that can 'see'.

Computer vision is closely related to image processing and therefore a sufficient understanding of image processing techniques is required. Naturally, it is also the inverse of computer graphics and in fact, a substantial amount of work on vision systems have used graphics accelerator (graphics card) as the processing platform. Computer vision also requires some form of artificial intelligence, which separates it from basic image processing.

As defined by Marr (1982), vision is actually the process of knowing what and where an object is in its environment (something like that.. I'll refine this later). So, the basic tasks pursued by vision is image understanding (what it is), image analysis (where it is) and scene analysis (environment). The full flow can be further divided into 2 levels:

Main reference:

 author = {Edwin D. Reilly},
 title = {Concise Encyclopedia of Computer Science},
 year = {2004},
 isbn = {0470090952},
 publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},

Read more @ wikipedia

Temporary Note(s)

Things I cannot quite place anywhere else…


Something to remember…

Note to self

My index.html so that my unisite url always get redirected to my wiki page

<meta HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="0;URL=dokuwiki/doku.php">

Note: The mathpublish plugin does not work on my current server - so, need to check requirements… {tokenizer library|gd library|png (libpng,zlib)|freetype font library}

Dokuwiki Stuffs: purge=true (force re-caching) , do=check , do=export_html , do=export_pdf (plugin)

Setting up dokuwiki…

git clone
git checkout --track origin/stable

Dokuwiki plugins I use:

- wrap>
- include>
  = tag>
- folded>
- blog>
  = pagelist>
- dw2pdf>
- iframe>
- math2|mathpublish>
- pagebreak>
- todo>
- vshare>