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EEC420 - Operating Systems

This is an introductory course to operating systems (OS) - we use x86 systems as reference (ARM may be included in the future).

Practical Exercise

General Introduction

The core of an Operating System (OS) is the kernel.

OS Kernel

  • system management software
    • provides hardware access to application software (user programs)
  • four primary tasks:
    • process/thread management (multitasking)
    • memory management
    • disk management
    • peripheral management (I/O)

Bootstrap Process


  • common issue for general purpose computers
    • software usually reside in secondary memory
    • how do we load software to primary memory?
  • bootstrap process helps load an OS
    • usually in multiple stages
    • first stage as simple as possible
    • small footprint in system address space?
  • processors on powerup (or reset)
    • have specific address to start execution
    • e.g. for IA32 0xFFFFFFF0 (32-bit address)
    • legacy from 8086 0xFFFF0 (20-bit address)
  • non-volatile memory placed at that address
    • contains first stage bootstrap code
    • e.g. for IA32 we have BIOS

BIOS (x86) Bootstrap

  • BIOS bootloader
    • for cold-boot, perform POST (power-on self-test)
    • iterate boot device list
    • attempt to load first sector (next stage bootstrap)
  • load address is at 0x7C00
    • first sector (512 bytes) loaded here
    • must end with boot signature 0x55 0xAA (else HALT)
    • on hard-disks, usually have MBR
      • specifies partitions, so effective code size <512
      • loads first sector of boot partition
    • very limited, but can utilize BIOS functions
  • Master Boot Record (MBR) - Read more @ wikipedia
    • first sector of a partitioned storage
    • classic mbr:
      • 446 bytes executable code
      • 64 bytes partition entries (4 primary partitions)
      • 2 bytes boot signature (0x55 0xAA)
    • modern mbr
      • 218 bytes executable code
      • 2 bytes (always 0x00?)
      • 4 bytes disk timestamp
      • 216 bytes executable code
      • 4 bytes disk signature
      • 2 bytes (always 0x00?)
      • 64 bytes partition entries (4 primary partitionss)
      • 2 bytes boot signature (0x55 0xAA)
    • superseeded by GUID partition table (GPT) - Read more @ wikipedia

BIOS (x86) Functions

  • invoked using software interrupts
    • as interrupt service (handler) routine
  • e.g. int 0x13 is for disk i/o routine
    • register ah used as function select
      • e.g. ah = 0x02 is to read sector from disk
    • register dl should have drive number
      • 0x80 is first hard disk
    • limitations: int 0x13 supports disk size <8GB
  • extended bios provide more functions
    • extended disk excess

BIOS (x86) Operating Modes

  • IA32 processors support dual operating mode
    • Real mode & protected mode
  • Real mode
    • legacy 16-bit operating environment from 8086
    • segmented 20-bit address space
      • maximum 1MB address
    • an address is made up of segment and offset
      • segment - 16-bit segment selector (cs,ds,ss)
      • offset - 16-bit offset within a segment
      • address = segment « 4 + offset
    • segments obviously overlaps by 64k - 16
      • multiple address can refer to same physical address
      • e.g. 0x0000:0x7c00 and 0x07c0:0x0000 refer to same location
    • IA32 provides ways to switch operating mode
  • Protected mode
    • 32-bit operating mode
    • segmented OR flat memory address
    • provides virtual memory (e.g. paging)

From BIOS to OS

  • BIOS boots to real mode
    • newer ones switch to protected mode to get more features
    • subsequent bootstrap code should check or assume in real mode
    • usually loads bootloaders (e.g. LILO for Linux, NTLDR for Windows)
  • BIOS functions no longer available in protected mode
    • only works in real mode
    • some OS temporarily drop to real mode to utilize BIOS functions!
    • so, OS in protected mode drives hardware directly (device drivers!)
    • Some OS (Windows) maintains backward compatibility
      • place WinAPI in place of legacy BIOS
      • older DOS programs can still invoke old interrupts services
    • OS (here, most of the time) means bootloaders
      • bootloaders can be part of an OS
      • bootloaders load actual OS kernel

BIOS to UEFI Transition

  • BIOS is being replaced by UEFI
    • Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
  • UEFI features
    • modular bootloading
    • boot off really large hard disks (>2TB)
    • hardware drivers in early boot
      • useful ones like graphics and networking
    • built-in shell (diagnostic/maintenance)
  • utilize GPT instead of MBR?
  • requires a special UEFI partition
    • can have multiple firwares

Hardware (x86) for OS Kernel

  • need to separate system (kernel) & application (user) software
  • hardware-level privilege

IA32 Privilege Levels

  • called protections rings (4)
    • represents privilege levels
    • rings 0 to 3 (0 - highest, 3 - lowest)
    • most only use 2 (0 - kernel, 3 - user)

IA32 Control Registers

  • designated crX (e.g. cr0, cr2, cr3)
    • cr0 - enable/disable protected mode
    • cr3 - used for memory paging (virtualization)
    • cr2 - page fault address
  • these should only be accessed in ring 0
    • at boot, x86 in real-mode (no privilege levels)
    • modify cr0 - switch to protected mode
    • first code in protected mode is in ring 0
    • setup virtual memory (paging)
    • setup self to run in ring 0, others in ring 3!

IA32 Protected Memory

  • memory access in protected mode
    • can access >1MB, use paging
    • needs Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
      • setup memory size and location
      • also defines protection levels (ring)
    • can also setup local descriptor table
      • not used much?
  • create 2 main memory segments
    • memory only for ring 0 - kernel space
    • memory allowed for ring 3 (all) - user space
    • each memory space has own code/data segment
    • stack segment defined separately (per process, not system?)

IA32 Task Management

  • basic hardware level multitasking support
    • kernels may implement software-level
  • defined by Task State Segment (TSS) data structure
    • also contains protection levels
archive/eec420.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/13 15:24 by