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Project Description

This is a B.Eng.Tech. Final Year student project (YYYY).

Title Project Title here
Milestone 1 Milestone 1
Milestone 2 Milestone 2
Milestone 3 Milestone 3

Provide general/initial information/resources here…

Project Journal

Modify this accordingly… always note what have been decided or found out!

Week 01

20100101: (1H)

  • Initial Meeting

20100104: (2H)

  • Do something

Weekly Summary: Week-Hour: 3H, Project-Hour: 3H

Something done - some comments?

Week 02

20100109: (2H)

  • Still doing it

20100114: (2H)

  • Do something else

Weekly Summary: Week-Hour: 4H, Project-Hour: 7H

Something else done

Week XX

… and so on

archive/fyp_project_page_sample.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/29 10:43 by