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PGT104 - Digital Electronics

This course is Digital Electronics, offered by the Department of Electronics Engineering Technology.

The textbook for this course is Floyd's Digital Fundamentals (11th Edition at the moment).

Try my1digitaljs - a Basic Digital Electronics Simulator (notice, NOT logic simulator :p) that I have developed for PGT104. Based on SimCirJS, the source is available here. Some video guides are available on Youtube

Please note that this is a continuously updated site. Check the timestamps/dates (if any) to make sure that the information is applicable to current course implementation. Some information are from the previous ones.


[20190130] Welcome to PGT104 Academic Session 2018/19 S2!

[20190226] Tentative date for Mid-Term is 21/03/2019 (THU)!

[20190307] Mid-Term Exam set on 19/03/2019 (TUE) @9.00pm

Lecture Slides

Applicable for Academic Session 2018/2019 Semester 2

Note: Textbook coverage is as follows…

Topic Chapter Sections
1 2 (2.1)-(2.10)
2 3 (3.1)-(3.6)
3 4 (4.1)-(4.8)
4 6 (6.1)-(6.9)
5 7 (7.1)-(7.6)
6 8-9 (8.1)-(8.4), (9.2)-(9.3)

Lab Notes


    • Please attach this page (with your name and student ID) in front of your answer sheets.
    • Due: 14/03/2019 (THU-W6-Lecture Session).
    • Please attach this page (with your name and student ID) in front of your answer sheets.
    • Due: 09/05/2019 (THU-W13-MY_ROOM@[S4-L1-70]-12PM).

Course Synopsis

Note: Written by the course coordinator when first offered

Introduction and discussion of fundamental of digital circuit design and analysis. The lecture and tutorial exercise covers the following topics: Boolean Algebra, Numbering System, Basic Logic Gates, Combinational Circuit Design, Timing Diagram, Bi-Stable Memory Device and Sequential Circuit Design.

Course Outcome

Note: These have been slightly re-written from the original/previous session

  • CO1: Ability to describe numbering systems and boolean algebra
  • CO2: Ability to analyze Boolean expressions and logic circuits for a simple digital system
  • CO3: Ability to design combinational or sequential logic circuits for a simple digital system

Course Assessment

Examinations Course Work
Total Contribution 60% 40%
Assessment Mid-Term Final Exam Assignments Lab Assessments
Contribution 10% 50% 10% 30%

Course Syllabus

Week Lecture Laboratory Notes
Week 01
  • Course Introduction (Lecture 00)
    • introduction to digital electronics
  • Introduction to Numbering Systems (Lecture 01)
    • decimal numbers, binary numbers
    • conversions, binary arithmetic
    • value and representation
    • hexadecimal and octal numbers
    • binary-coded decimal

Lab Work 1

Textbook: Chapter 2

Week 02
  • Logic Gates (Lecture 02)
    • Boolean Logic, Inverter
    • (N)AND, (N)OR, X(N)OR gates

Lab Work 1 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 3

Week 03
  • Boolean Algebra (Lecture 03)
    • Boolean operations and expressions
    • DeMorgan's Theorems
    • logic simplification

Lab Work 2

Textbook: Chapter 4

Assignment 1 Queue

Week 04
  • Boolean Algebra (cont.) (Lecture 03)
    • standard forms: SOP, POS
    • truth table and Karnaugh Map

Lab Work 2 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 4

Week 05
  • Boolean Algebra (cont.) (Lecture 03)
    • practical problems & solutions

Lab Work 2 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 4

Assignment 1 Due (5%)

Week 06
  • Combinational Logic Circuits (Lecture 04)
    • half & full adders
    • carry circuits
    • comparators

Lab Work 2 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 6

Lab Assessment 1 (10%)

Week 07
  • Combinational Logic Circuits (cont.) (Lecture 04)
    • decoders, encoders
    • multiplexer, demultiplexer

Lab Work 2 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 6

Mid-term Examination (10%)

Week 08
  • Combinational Logic Circuits (cont.) (Lecture 04)
    • applications in digital systems

Lab Work 2 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 6

Week 09
  • Latches, Flip-flops, and Timers (Lecture 05)
    • latches & flip-flops

Lab Work 3

Textbook: Chapter 7

Assignment 2 Queue

Week 10
  • Latches, Flip-flops, and Timers (cont.) (Lecture 05)
    • one-shots and oscillators

Lab Work 3 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 7

Lab Assessment 2 (10%)

Week 11
  • Latches, Flip-flops, and Timers (cont.) (Lecture 05)
    • applications in digital systems

Lab Work 3 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 7

Assignment 2 Due (5%)

Week 12
  • Sequential Logic Circuits (Lecture 06)
    • shift registers (load, shift left, shift right)

Lab Work 3 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 8-9

Week 13
  • Sequential Logic Circuits (cont.) (Lecture 06)
    • counters (asynchronous, synchronous)

Lab Work 3 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 8-9

Week 14
  • Sequential Logic Circuits (cont.) (Lecture 06)
    • applications in digital systems

Lab Work 3 (cont.)

Textbook: Chapter 8-9

Lab Assessment 3 (10%)

Once Upon a Time in PGT104

20170526 Project Demonstration: A Car-Wash System using a state-machine built with discrete logic gates

pgt104_lab_project_ry44_grade_a_pic0.jpg pgt104_lab_project_ry44_grade_a_pic1.jpg pgt104_lab_project_ry44_grade_a_pic2.jpg

Short video clip (sorry, no audio)

Digital Electronic Lab Kit

Basic Gates / IC:
- 2 x 7400 - Quad 2-input NAND
- 1 x 7404 - Hex INVERTER
- 1 x 7408 - Quad 2-input AND
- 1 x 7402 - Quad 2-input NOR
- 1 x 7432 - Quad 2-input OR
- 1 x 7486 - Quad 2-input XOR
- 2 x 7474 - Dual D Flip-flop (async P/C)
- 1 x 7476 - Dual JK Flip-flop (async P/C)
- 1 x 555 - Timer
Basic Components:
- 4 x LED (Red/Green)
- 4 x Push/Reset Button
- 1 x 4-Way DIP Switch
- 12 x 1k Resistor
- 1 x 7-segment
- 8 x 220ohm Resistor
- 2 x 100k Resistor
- 2 x 10k Resistor
- 1 x 10uF Capacitor
- 1 x 1uF Capacitor
- 1 x 10nF Capacitor
- Breadboard
- Jumper wires (M-M) 
- @ 4 long wires for power
- @ 8 medium length for inter-IC
- @ 38 short length for direct wiring

Food for Thought

A more practical implementation of Digital Electronic Courses:

  • Digital 1
    • base-n numbering systems
    • basic logic (truth table, boolean equation, boolean algebra, POS/SOP form)
    • combinational logic (basic gates)
    • combinational logic implementation (e.g. adder) ← just pick one example
    • sequential logic (basic flip-flop)
  • Digital 2 :
    • combinational logic circuits (mux, decoder, encoder)
    • practical application: e.g. instruction decoder, address decoding, etc.
    • sequential logic circuits (registers, counters)
    • practical application: e.g. program counter
    • state machines

Note: If Digital 1 is seen as too light, the combinational logic circuits topic from 2 can be shifted into 1… then, some basic Computer Architecture stuffs can be put into 2.

Maybe something like this…

Digital Electronics 1
Week Lecture Laboratory Notes
Week 01 - 03
  • Introduction to Digital Electronics
  • Numbering Systems
    • decimal numbers, binary numbers
    • conversions
    • basic binary arithmetic
    • hexadecimal and octal numbers
    • binary-coded decimal
  • Logic Gates
    • Boolean Logic, Inverter
    • (N)AND, (N)OR, X(N)OR gates
  • Numbering Systems (cont.)
    • unsigned and signed binary
    • signed binary arithmetic

Comment1: Need to cover topic on Logic Gates as soon as possible in order to start with lab sessions.

Comment2: Previous experience show students need more time on topics involving signed binaries.

Week 04 - 07
  • Boolean Algebra
    • Boolean operations and expressions
    • DeMorgan's Theorems
    • Logic simplification/reduction
    • standard forms: SOP, POS
    • truth table and Karnaugh Map
Week 08 - 11
  • Combinational Logic Circuits
    • 1-bit half & full adder
    • 4-bit adders (ripple carry)
    • carry circuit (carry look ahead)
Week 12 - 14
  • Latches, Flip-flops, and Timers
    • latches
    • timing diagrams
    • flip-flops (JK-FF, D-FF, T-FF)
    • basic 555 timer
Digital Electronics 2
Week Lecture Laboratory Notes
Week 01 - 02
  • Refresh Basic Digital Electronics
    • combinational & sequential
    • boolean algebra, timing diagrams
  • Combinational Logic Circuits
    • adder, subtractor, binary comparator
Week 03 - 05
  • Combinational Logic Circuits
    • Decoders, encoders
    • Multiplexers, demultiplexers
Week 06 - 07
  • Refresh Sequential Logic Elements
    • latches/flip-flops
  • Shift Registers (left/right/load)
Week 08 - 09
  • Counters
    • Basic binary counter (up/down)
    • Gray Counter
Week 10 - 12
  • Finite State Machine
    • Mealy/Moore Machine
    • State diagrams
    • State encoding
    • Next-state logic
Week 13 - 14
  • Simple Digital Systems (Case studies)
    • digital control system (e.g. train crossing gate control)
archive/pgt104.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 10:05 by