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Working on a repository with 3-branches

I have a repository with 3 branches:

  • master - main project
  • upstream - upstream project
  • work - working copy of project with current semester data

In order to update (merge) upstream into master, I need to

# git checkout upstream
# git pull /path/to/upstream/repo
# git checkout master
# git merge upstream
# git checkout work
# git merge master

I would prefer to do this without doing those multiple checkouts. SO, I found a way to do just that…

# git fetch /path/to/upstream/repo master:upstream
# git fetch . upstream:master 
# git merge master

However, this only work IF updating master involves purely fast-forward merge.

That is all I have to say about that.

blog/2022/0109_working_on_a_repository_with_3-branches.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 10:05 by