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FreeBSD Experience

new This page is about my experience using FreeBSD.

FreeBSD Installation

My installation notes…

Getting FreeBSD

Standard Installation

Latest: Installing FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64 on VirtualBox

Base System

  • fresh install using memstick image file
  • install kernel and base only
  • added my main user account to {wheel,operator} group
    • for desktop use, all users need to be in video or wheel
    • so normal users should be in video group
    • normal users should also be in operator group to be able to shutdown from mate desktop
  • enable sshd, enable ntpdate(on-boot), disable sendmail

Desktop (GUI)


# pkg install xorg
# pw groupmod video -m username

- check display adapter

# pciconf -lv | grep -B4 VGA

Intel® : Open Source : drm-kmod : i915kms
AMD® : Open Source : drm-kmod : amdgpu and radeonkms
NVIDIA® : Proprietary : nvidia-driver : nvidia or nvidia-modeset
VESA : Open Source : xf86-video-vesa : vesa

# pkg install drm-kmod
# sysrc kld_list+=i915kms

* note: may also need this 
# pkg install libva-intel-driver mesa-libs mesa-dri

** try this!

FreeBSD on RasPi400

  • got FreeBSD13 arm64 aarch64 image
  • write to microsd card
  • boot issue
    • ok if boot from usb (note: starting pi4, usb boot is possible!)
    • need to update u-boot binary (look for that in forum)
  • console display is not ok when using on tv (high res?)
    • edit config.txt and comment out hdmi_safe=1

going for dwm

  • pkg install libX11 libXft libXinerama
  • pkg install git

work in progress…

freebsd/freebsd_new.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/19 05:48 by azman