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Cisco Stuff

My experience configuring cisco device(s). I'm just dumping my text notes for now… will try to make this prettier some other time 8-)

Status: At the moment, my DHCP server on 1841 is running and correctly providing machines on my switch with proper IPs. NAT works.

Cisco 1841 Router

I want to setup a LAN in my lab so that I can have a central login server for all Windows machines. One interface on the 1841 will be for LAN, while the other will be connected to Uni's network.

general info
- note that default hostname for device is 'Router'
- basic prompt is {hostname}>
- privileged prompt is {hostname}#
- to reset configuration, reboot and send break within 60 seconds?
  = on minicom, hit ctrl+a-f
  = should get rommon console (i.e. rommon {1-based index}>)
- configure router to bypass configuration
  = type 'confreg 0x2142'
  = type 'reset'
- configure router to use configuration
  = type 'confreg 0x2102'
  = type 'reset'
configuring cisco 1841 router
- pc serial port connect to rj45 console port on 1841
  = need usb2serial for most pc nowadays
  = need an rj45-rs232 cable!
- i use minicom on slackware
  = use 9600 8n1 with no flow control
- start router, skip all wizards/auto-config
  = should get 'Router>' prompt
  = type <command> ? for specific help
  = typing help will tell you this :p
- type 'enable' to get to global config privileged mode
  = should get 'Router#' prompt
* configure basics
- type 'conf t' to start configuring
  = shortcut for 'configure terminal'
- configurations:
  = no ip domain lookup
    - this disables domain lookup (do not use dns)
  = no logging console
    - this disables log messages display on console
  = hostname my1841
    - changes router hostname (prompt should reflect)
  = enable secret 0 my1pass
    - default level is 5? but the command above still sets 5
    - tested 20161208: show running-config | include enable
    - maybe add keyword level before 0?
  = service password-encryption
    - enables password enryption (on clear text? not needed for secret?)
- type 'exit' in config-mode then write
* configure wan & lan ports
- type 'conf t' to start
- configurations:
  = interface fas0/0
    - prompt appended with (config-if)
    - configuring fast ethernet port 0
  = description WAN_LINK
    - just a label
  = ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0/0
    - set to be dhcp client
  = no shut
  = exit
    - get back to global config
  = interface fas0/1
    - configuring fast ethernet port 1
  = description LAN_LINK
  = ip address
    - set private local ip
  = no shut
  = exit
    - get back to global config
- type 'exit' in config-mode then write
* configure dhcp for lan
- type 'conf t' to start
- configurations:
  = ip dhcp pool my1dhcp
    - prompt appended with (dhcp-config)
  = network
  = default-router
  = dns-server
  = exit
    - get back to global config
  = ip dhcp excluded-address
    - 'reserve' these for network management
- type 'exit' in config-mode then write
* configure gui http server
- type 'conf t' to start
- configurations:
  = username admin privilege 15 password check
  = ip http server
  = ip http secure-server
  = ip http authentication local
- type 'exit' in config-mode then write
* link wan & lan using nat (NOT TESTED!)
- type 'conf t' to start
- configurations:
  = interface fas0/0
  = ip nat outside
  = exit
  = interface fas0/1
  = ip nat inside
  = exit
  = access-list 100 permit ip any any
    - simple access-list - just allow everything
  = ip nat inside source list 100 interface fas0/0
    - anything sourced from ACL 100 is permitted
    - outside interface (FastEthernet 0/0) is the port for PAT
- type 'exit' in config-mode then write

Cisco 3560 Switch

This switch actually have a layer 3 implementation (well, provided you get the correct software image) that enables routing.

I just need a simple switch configuration for now.

general info
- note that default hostname for device is 'Switch'
- basic prompt is {hostname}>
- privileged prompt is {hostname}#
* to reset
- delete flash:vlan.dat
- erase startup-config
- reload
  = do not save anything if prompted
* to check flash content
- dir flash:
* show 'show' options
- show ?
* to check boot settings
- show boot
(configure boot system)
- boot system flash: (???)
configuring cisco 3560 switch
* configure basics
- to start configuring 
  # configure terminal
- change hostname to 'my3560'
  # hostname my3560
- set password 'my1pass' to enable
  # enable secret my1pass
- exit config-mode
  # exit
- write/save config
  # write

Note: The default 'factory' image should be c3560-ipbase-mz.122-53.SE/c3560-ipbase-mz.122-53.SE.bin, but the one I got has c3560-advipservicesk9-mz.122-37.SE.bin. I guess this is the image that provides layer 3 stuffs.

notes/cisco.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/13 15:24 by