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Vim Stuff

My personal config ($HOME/.vimrc)

set nobackup
set noswapfile
set noundofile
set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
set number
set showmatch
" sometimes i lose this - not sure why :(
syntax on
" this is what i use on slackware (dwm)
colorscheme elflord
" F5 shortcut to remove trailing whitespace
nnoremap <F5> :let _s=@/<Bar>:%s/\s\+$//e<Bar>:let @/=_s<Bar><CR>


Basic Usage (Command Mode)
Keys Function
:w Write/save file
:x Save and quit
:q Quit
:q! Quit (Force)
:set nu Display line numbers
:noh No highlights
Entering Insert Mode
Keys Function
i insert at current position
a insert after current position
I insert before the current line
A insert after the current line
o insert a new line after the current line
O insert a new line before the current line
C ovewrite the whole current line
Cursor Movement
Keys Function
h move left
j move down
k move up
l move right
w move to next word
b move to the start of the word
e move to the end of the word
( move previous sentence
) move next one sentence
{ move previous paragraph
} move next paragraph
^ move to the beginning of the line
$ move to the end of the line
<n>G move to the n-th line
G move to the last line
gg move to the first line
% move to the matching bracket
Select/Copy and paste
Keys Function
yy Yank/copy current line
yw Yank/copy next word
ynj Yank/copy next n lines
y$ Yank to the end of the line
p Paste after cursor
P Paste before cursor
Keys Function
x Delete a single character
D Delete the rest of the line
dd Delete current line
ndw Delete the next n words
ndd Delete the next n lines
:m,nd Delete from line m through to line n
Visual Mode
Keys Function
Shift+v Enter visual mode
Code Folding
Keys Function
zfa} Fold code in curly braces
zc Close code folding
zo Open code folding
za Toggle code folding
zd Delete fold marker


Search and Replace

    Search for pattern.
    Find the next occurrence of pattern.
    Replace every occurrence of pattern with replace..

Paste from clipboard
Shift+Insert in insert mode!

Working on Multiple Files



:e filename

note: or simply specify multiple names at command line

Switching between files

:n Or :bn - switch to the next file

:N Or :bp - switch to the previous file

:bf - switch to the first file

:bl - switch to the last file

:b number - switch to a specific file number(for file number 3, use the command “b 3”):

:b filename - switch to a specific file filename(for file name file1, use “:b file1”)

:wall - save all open files

:bw - quit the current file

qall - quit all open files

:qall! - forcefully quit all the files, discarding the changes

:ls - list opened files

Multiple view

split horizontal (2-rows,top/bottom)
$ vim -o file1 file2

split vertical (2-columns,side-by-side)
$ vim -O file1 file2

:split filename
:vsplit filename

Ctrl+w,j - switch to the next window below the current window
Ctrl+w,k - switch to the next window above the current window
Ctrl+w,l - switch to the next window to the right of the current window
Ctrl+w,h - switch to the next window to the left of the current window
ctrl+w,w - cycle through all Vim windows
ctrl+w,x - exchange?? Vim windows
ctrl+w,r - rotate layout of all Vim windows
notes/vim.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/29 10:43 by