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x86PC - Master Boot Record

Master Boot Record (MBR)

Some notes on MBR used in classic/legacy BIOS-based system.

  • first sector of a partitioned storage
    • also known as disk boot sector
    • contains a partition table (info on how the disk is partitioned)
  • classic MBR
    • 446 bytes executable code
    • 64 bytes partition entries (4 primary partitions)
    • 2 bytes boot signature (0x55 0xAA)
  • modern MBR
    • 218 bytes executable code
    • 2 bytes (always 0x00?)
    • 4 bytes disk timestamp
    • 216 bytes executable code
    • 4 bytes disk signature
    • 2 bytes (always 0x00?)
    • 64 bytes partition entries (4 primary partitionss)
    • 2 bytes boot signature (0x55 0xAA)
  • primary job of embedded code is to boot/load Volume Boot Record (VBR)
  • superseeded by GUID partition table (GPT) - Read more @ wikipedia

Read more @ wikipedia

Volume Boot Record (VBR)

  • first sector of a partition on a partitioned storage
    • also known as partition boot sector

Read more @ wikipedia

notes/x86pc_mbr.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 10:05 by